FW: Editors' Draft of the Primer Available - AI 103



This looked really bad on us. As we discussed sometime back, we need to do a
spell check, 

generate HTML and review the portions we updated for sanity check. 


I have taken a pass at correcting most of the editorial errors listed in
Paul's note below.

Pending are Appendix C (references), Appendix D (Acknowledgements) related
changes and section 2.4 refs.

These need some discussion at the ed-team meeting tomorrow.






From: public-ws-policy-request@w3.org
[mailto:public-ws-policy-request@w3.org] On Behalf Of Paul Cotton
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2006 11:58 AM
To: Prasad Yendluri
Cc: public-ws-policy@w3.org
Subject: RE: Editors' Draft of the Primer Available - AI 103


I have a lot of editorial comments on this Editor's draft of the WS-Policy


Due to the large number of comments I would like to see a revised Editor's
draft BEFORE the WG decides to publish this document.





1. Section 1 Introduction

"This is a non-normative document and does not provide a definitive
specification of the Web Services Policy language.
6-September-2006#xml-namespaces> B. XML Namespaces lists all the that are
used in this document. (XML elements without a namespace prefix are from the
Web Services Policy XML Namespace.)"

Change "all the that" to "all the namespaces that".

This problem also occurs in Section 2.2 "Simple Message".

2. Section 2.2 Simple Message

a) "The wsa:To andwsa:Action header blocks"

Change "andwsa:Action" to "and wsa:Action".

b) "and use headers such aswsa:To and wsa:Action in SOAP Envelopes."

Change "aswsa:To" to "as wsa:To".

3. Section 2.4

Several WS-* protocol specifications and applications define policy

*       Web Services <http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/07/securitypolicy/>
Security Policy 

*       Web Services Reliable
<http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/02/rm/policy/>  Messaging Policy 

*       Web Services Atomic <http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/10/wsat/>

*       Web Services Business <http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2004/10/wsba/>
Activity Framework 

*       Devices Profile for Web
<http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2006/02/devprof/>  Services 

*       A
b66228/infocard-techref-beta2-published.pdf>  Technical Reference for
Windows CardSpace 

This text should be change to point to references in Appendix C References
to adhear to W3C pubrules and so that visible links are available for the

4. Section 2.5

"thePolicy operator is a synonym forAll" and "These assertions are combined
using theAll operator."

.There does not appear to be a space before the "Policy" and "All" words.  

"Policy-aware clients can recognize this policy assertion, engage
message-level security for protecting messages and use headers such
aswss:Security in SOAP Envelopes.

There does not appear to be a space before "wss:Security".

5. Section 2.7

"The sp:TransportToken is a nested policy assertion of
thesp:TransportBinding policy assertion. Thesp:TransportToken assertion
requires the use of a specific transport token and further qualifies the
behavior of the sp:TransportBinding policy assertion (which already requires
the use of transport-level security for protecting messages)."

"The sp:AlgorithmSuite is a nested policy assertion of
thesp:TransportBinding policy assertion. Thesp:AlgorithmSuite assertion
requires the use of the algorithm suite identified by its nested policy
assertion (sp:Basic256Rsa15 in the example above) and further qualifies the
behavior of the sp:TransportBinding policy assertion."

This text contains several places where spaces appear to be missing before
namespace qualified names.

6. Section 2.8

"such as GetRealQuote,GetRealQuotes and GetExtendedRealQuote."

Add a space after the comma.

"For re-use, aPolicyReference element can be used to reference a policy

There does not appear to be a space before "PolicyReference".

7. Section 2.9

"The prefixeswsdl and tns are used here to denote the Web Services
Description language XML namespace and target namespace of this WSDL

There does not appear to be a space after "prefixes".

"with anyport that supports this binding description"

There does not appear to be a space after "any".

"for example GetDelayedQuote, GetDelayedQuotes, GetSymbol andGetSymbols"

There does not appear to be a space after "and".

8. Section 3.1

"Child and descendent elements from the policy language are Policy, All,
ExactlyOne andPolicyReference"

There does not appear to be a space after the second "and".

"Other child elements ofPolicy, All andExactlyOne are policy assertions.
(ThePolicy element plays two roles: wrapper element and operator.)"

More missing spaces.

"The All andExactlyOne elements are the policy operators. All other child
elements of theAll and ExactlyOne elements are policy assertions from
domains such as messaging, addressing, security, reliability and

More missing spaces.

9. Section 3.2

"ThePolicyReference element and wsp:Optional attribute are not used in the
normal form.

Another missing space after "The".

10. Section 3.3

*       "The Policy wrapper element and policy alternatives which correspond
to thePolicy/ExactlyOne element map to a policy.

Another missing space after "to the".

11. Section 3.5

"such as service,port, operation andmessage" and "The WSDL port,binding and
portType elements"

More missing spaces.

12. Section 3.6

"attached to the SecureBinding WSDL binding andRealTimeDataPort WSDL port

Another missing space after "and".

"is a new policy expression that combines these two policy expressions using
theAll policy operator"

Another missing space after "using the".

13. Section 3.7

"The Policy,ExactlyOne, All andPolicyReference elements are extensible"

More missing spaces.

14. Section 4.2

"The sp:IssuedToken policy assertion has three parameters: @sp:IncludeToken,
sp:Issuer andsp:RequestSecurityTokenTemplate"

Another missing space after "and".

"Thesp:Issuer parameter is an endpoint reference to a security token issuer"

Another missing space after "The".

15. Section 4.4.1

"Policy assertions can be marked optional using thewsp:Optional attribute"

Another missing space after "using the".

16. Section 4.4.8

Can we please make the following text stand out more e.g. in a box:

"EdNote: The WG is contemplating moving some or all of this material into a
non-normative appendix of the framework or attachment document. User
feedback is solicited."

17. Section

"Because the wsp16:Choice alternative isn't understand in either normalized
form, it will not be chosen as one of the alternatives and will effectively
be ignored."

Change "understand" to "understood".

"so intersection would yield the expecteded result"

Change "expecteded" to "expected".

18 Section

"The PolicyReference is attribute extensible. One example of an addition is
a list of backup URIs for the policyReference:"

Change "The PolicyReference" to "The PolicyReference element". Change
"policyReference" to "PolicyReference".

"Policy 1.5 processor will not understand the wsp16:alternateURI attribute,
it will be ignored."

I think this should be reworded to "A Policy 1.5 processor will not
understand the wsp16:alternateURI attribute so it will be ignored."

19. Appendix D. Acknowledgements


This section should be re-generated  to match the current membership of the
WG.  In addition some people in the current list are missing their company


20. Appendix C. References


[WS-Addressing Policy] 

Web Services <http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/CR-ws-addr-wsdl-20060529/>
Addressing 1.0 - WSDL Binding, M. Gudgin, M. Hadley, T. Rogers and Ü.
Yalçinalp, Editors. World Wide Web Consortium, 29 May 2006. This version of
the Web Services Addressing 1.0 - WSDL Binding is
http://www.w3.org/TR/2006/CR-ws-addr-wsdl-20060529/. The latest version of
Web Services <http://www.w3.org/TR/ws-addr-wsdl>  Addressing 1.0 - WSDL
Binding is available at http://www.w3.org/TR/ws-addr-wsdl. 


The short name of this reference should be [WS-Addressing WSDL Binding].
Change here and where it is used.


WS_Policy[Web Services Policy Framework] 

>  Services Policy 1.5 - Framework, A. S. Vedamuthu, D. Orchard, M. Hondo,
T. Boubez and P. Yendluri, Editors. World Wide Web Consortium, @@, @@@@
@@@@. This version of the specification of the Web Services Policy 1.5 -
Framework specification is ws-policy-framework.html. The latest version of
Web Services <http://www.w3.org/TR/ws-policy-framework>  Policy 1.5 -
Framework is available at http://www.w3.org/TR/ws-policy-framework. 

WS_PolicyAttachment[Web Services Policy Attachment] 

l>  Services Policy 1.5 - Attachment, A. S. Vedamuthu, D. Orchard, M. Hondo,
T. Boubez and P. Yendluri, Editors. World Wide Web Consortium, @@, @@@@
@@@@. This version of the specification of the Web Services Policy 1.5 -
Attachment specification is ws-policy-attachment.html. The latest version of
Web <http://www.w3.org/TR/ws-policy-attachment>  Services Policy 1.5 -
Attachment is available at http://www.w3.org/TR/ws-policy-attachment. 


Please check that these references are correct.  The Framework is found at "
<http://www.w3.org/TR/ws-policy> http://www.w3.org/TR/ws-policy" and the
Attachment is found at  <http://www.w3.org/TR/ws-policy-attach/>
http://www.w3.org/TR/ws-policy-attach/. "framework" does not appear in the
Framework URI and "attachment" does not occur in the Attachment URI.



Paul Cotton, Microsoft Canada
17 Eleanor Drive, Ottawa, Ontario K2E 6A3
Tel: (613) 225-5445 Fax: (425) 936-7329
mailto:Paul.Cotton@microsoft.com <mailto:Paul.Cotton@microsoft.com> 


From: public-ws-policy-eds-request@w3.org
[mailto:public-ws-policy-eds-request@w3.org] On Behalf Of Prasad Yendluri
Sent: September 26, 2006 11:48 AM
To: public-ws-policy@w3.org
Cc: public-ws-policy-eds@w3.org
Subject: Editors' Draft of the Primer Available - AI 103




Please find the editors draft of the primer, available at:


http://tinyurl.com/h49d4 <http://tinyurl.com/h49d4>  




This completes the Action Item 103
<http://www.w3.org/2005/06/tracker/wspolicy/actions/103> )




WS-Policy Editors Team

Received on Tuesday, 26 September 2006 21:02:44 UTC