RE: oXygen and eclipse

Some of these pieces are covered in detail in Philippe's 'Using W3C CVS
with Eclipse' document [1]. Suggest providing feedback on missing pieces
to Philippe. 

Philippe's document is also reachable from policy editor's home page


Asir S Vedamuthu
Microsoft Corporation

-----Original Message-----
From: Frederick Hirsch [] 
Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2006 6:01 PM
To: ext Felix Sasaki
Cc: Frederick Hirsch; Asir Vedamuthu; WS-Policy Editors W3C
Subject: Re: oXygen and eclipse

Much thanks, I got it working. The trick is to make sure oxygen is  
the default editor for xml types.

Thanks to Prasad for a very clear explanation of building html and  
diffs using eclipse targets!

Here are my notes for future reference in case it helps anyone else:

1. Building HTML in eclipse

a. In package view showing cvs hierarchy, select root ("policy") and  
right-click refresh
b. select build.xml
c. right click , open with "ant editor"
d. Outline view shows build targets, select html
e. right click, run as ant build (note that console shows build  
f. In package view showing cvs hierarchy, select root ("policy") and  
right-click refresh
without refresh list will not be updated to include result of build
g. select html file, right click "open with web browser" to display

2. Building diff
similar, but in (d) select diff
note that build.xml has hard-coded version of files to diff against,  
to custom (local) edit of build.xml would be needed to build other  
diff targets.

3. Spell check with oxygen
a. install oxygen plugin
b. make sure oxygen is default editor for xml, using preferences  
general>editor>file associations preference for this.
c. xml menu should show spelling check as last item, shift-ctrl-Q  
works. (it is not platform dependent)

regards, Frederick

Frederick Hirsch

On Nov 29, 2006, at 7:37 PM, ext Felix Sasaki wrote:

> Hi Frederick,
> Frederick Hirsch wrote:
>> Asir
>> thanks for the information, additional questions inline
>> regards, Frederick
>> Frederick Hirsch
>> Nokia
>> On Nov 28, 2006, at 9:43 PM, ext Asir Vedamuthu wrote:
>>>> 1. How do you use the oXygen XML spell checker
>>> I use CTRL+SHIFT+Q
>> This must be platform specific. I could not find a menu item in  
>> Eclipse
>> for spell check,which is why I'm asking. In addition, I'm not sure  
>> how
>> to get the oxygen spell check which is XML aware. This key  
>> sequence did
>> not work in my version of eclipse.
> I am using Eclipse 3.2.1 and the Oxygen plugin 8.0 . CTRL+SHIFT+Q  
> works
> for me, and at the bottom of the "XML" menue there is an entry "Check
> spelling ..." . Maybe this is an Eclipse / Oxygen version problem?
>>>> 2. How do you configure oxygen transforms to use saxon 8
>>> build.xml forces Eclipse to use Saxon 8. No configuration changes  
>>> are
>>> necessary for Oxygen.
>> I get a dialog indicating that the oxygen plugin is using an older
>> version of saxon. Did you configure oxygen plugin for saxon 8,  
>> adding a
>> path or something like that?
> an <xslt> process is used within the "diff" target. For these  
> processes,
> the build-in xslt engine of oxygen / eclipse is used which depends on
> your version(s). The other processes use a Java call of saxon. As Asir
> pointed out, that call is "forced".
>>>> On another note, is there a plugin or mechanism
>>>> to generate an HTML diff using eclipse?
>>> I use the 'diff' target in the build.xml file.
>> How do you do this from within Eclipse?
> call build.xml "diff" to generate diffs from public WDs (or the
> "snapshot" for the guidelines document", as Asir called it). Ad hoc  
> diff is not possible, see me separate private mail.
> Felix
>> Thanks - it is good to know that this is possible.
>>> Regards,
>>> Asir S Vedamuthu
>>> Microsoft Corporation
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From:
>>> [] On Behalf Of Frederick
>>> Hirsch
>>> Sent: Tuesday, November 28, 2006 5:31 PM
>>> To: WS-Policy Editors W3C
>>> Cc: Frederick Hirsch
>>> Subject: oXygen and eclipse
>>> I am trying to use eclipse with the oXygen plugin.
>>> If anyone has done this, I have two questions:
>>> 1. How do you use the oXygen XML spell checker
>>> 2. How do you configure oxygen transforms to use saxon 8.
>>> I can compare but this does not generate a single
>>> red-line.
>>> Thanks
>>> regards, Frederick
>>> Frederick Hirsch
>>> Nokia

Received on Thursday, 30 November 2006 02:28:59 UTC