terminology references

Hi fellow eds.


I'm still not sure exactly what we should do about terminology including


I think there are 2 different approaches (with 2 variant on one of them)
we can use:


1. Define the terms in 1 document and refer to those termdefs from
another document.  For example, attachment would need xtermrefs for
policy, policy_assertion, etc.

 Option a) don't extract termdefs into the terminology section

 Option b) extract termdefs into the terminology section.


2. Define the terms in 1 document, extract termdefs into the terminology
section of each doc, and refer to the glossary terms for terms not
defined in current doc.  For example, attachment would have a glossary
section and then use termref for policy, policy_assertion, etc.


I think I prefer 1, either a) or b).  This way a policy attachment term
link would go directly to the framework doc with all the context around
the term.  Note this isn't the way that Xquery does it.  The F&O spec
has a glossary with terms defined in the xquery spec.  But I don't like
that linking style.


I'm also not sure if somebody has an AI to look into the term extraction
into glossary, I don't think I have it.


What do y'all think?





Received on Wednesday, 9 August 2006 18:13:31 UTC