W3C WSD Attributes Task Force, weekly conference call reminder and agenda


1.  Assign scribe.

2.  Approval of minutes:
  - June 2 telcon [.1]

[.1] (sorry, the archives search site was down)
3.  Review of Action items [.1].
June 02-2003: Steve to check IP restrictions with OGSI
June 02-2003: Steve to find a CORBA IDL expert
June 02-2003: Steve to get requirements from OGSI
June 02-2003: William to get requirements from the management prospective

4.  OGSI ServiceData presentation
- Steve has emailed an html version of the presentation to the list [.2]
[.2] (sorry, the archives search site was down)

5.  Other items

Steve Graham
(919)254-0615 (T/L 444)
STSM, On Demand Architecture

Received on Sunday, 8 June 2003 13:14:06 UTC