2002/ws/desc/wsdl20 wsdl20-adjuncts.xml,1.220,1.221

Update of /sources/public/2002/ws/desc/wsdl20
In directory hutz:/tmp/cvs-serv26319

Modified Files:
Log Message:
CR114 : Separation of the in-only and robust-in-only cases.

Index: wsdl20-adjuncts.xml
RCS file: /sources/public/2002/ws/desc/wsdl20/wsdl20-adjuncts.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.220
retrieving revision 1.221
diff -C 2 -d -r1.220 -r1.221
*** wsdl20-adjuncts.xml	14 Feb 2007 14:54:28 -0000	1.220
--- wsdl20-adjuncts.xml	14 Feb 2007 17:15:50 -0000	1.221
*** 2826,2834 ****
! 	<div4 id='soap-mep-r-o-r'>
! 	  <head>WSDL In-Only and Robust-In-Only to SOAP Request-Optional-Response</head>
! 	  <p>This section describes the mapping from the WSDL <attval>&wsdl-mep-robust-in-only;</attval>
! 	  and <attval>&wsdl-mep-in-only;</attval> MEPs 
  	  to the SOAP <attval>&soap12-request-response-mep-uri;</attval> MEP.
  	  Extensions (such as <bibref ref="WSA-Core"/>) MAY alter these mappings.</p>
--- 2826,2833 ----
! 	<div4 id='soap-mep-i-o'>
! 	  <head>WSDL In-Only to SOAP Request-Optional-Response</head>
! 	  <p>This section describes the mapping from the WSDL <attval>&wsdl-mep-in-only;</attval> MEP 
  	  to the SOAP <attval>&soap12-request-response-mep-uri;</attval> MEP.
  	  Extensions (such as <bibref ref="WSA-Core"/>) MAY alter these mappings.</p>
*** 2871,2874 ****
--- 2870,2918 ----
+ 	<div4 id='soap-mep-r-i-o'>
+ 	  <head>WSDL In-Only and Robust-In-Only to SOAP Request-Optional-Response</head>
+ 	  <p>This section describes the mapping from the WSDL <attval>&wsdl-mep-robust-in-only;</attval>
+ 	  MEP to the SOAP <attval>&soap12-request-response-mep-uri;</attval> MEP.
+ 	  Extensions (such as <bibref ref="WSA-Core"/>) MAY alter these mappings.</p>
+ 	  <div5>
+ 	    <head>The Client</head>
+ 	    <p>As the client, the property
+ 	    <attval>&soap12-binding-role;</attval>
+ 	    takes the value <attval>RequestingSOAPNode</attval>.</p>
+ 	    <p>The SOAP <attval>&soap12-mep;ImmediateDestination</attval>
+ 	    property takes the value of the WSDL <prop
+ 	    comp="Endpoint">address</prop> property, modified
+ 	    by the <prop comp="Binding Operation">http location</prop>
+ 	    property following the rules described in section <specref ref="_http_x-www-form-urlencoded"/>.</p>
+ 	    <p>The WSDL <attval>In</attval> message is mapped to the SOAP
+ 	    <attval>&soap12-mep;OutboundMessage</attval> property.</p>
+ 	    <p>The SOAP
+ 	    <attval>&soap12-mep;InboundMessage</attval> can contain a SOAP fault.</p>
+ 	  </div5>
+ 	  <div5>
+ 	    <head>The Service</head>
+ 	    <p>As the service, the property
+ 	    <attval>&soap12-binding-role;</attval>
+ 	    takes the value <attval>RespondingSOAPNode</attval>.</p>
+ 	    <p>The WSDL <attval>In</attval> message is mapped to the SOAP
+ 	    <attval>&soap12-mep;InboundMessage</attval> property.</p>
+ 	    <p>The SOAP
+ 	    <attval>&soap12-mep;OutboundMessage</attval> can contain a SOAP fault.</p>
+ 	  </div5>
+ 	</div4>
*** 5595,5598 ****
--- 5639,5651 ----
+ 	      Separation of the in-only and robust-in-only cases.
+ 	      </td>
+ 	    </tr>
+ 	    <tr>
+ 	    	<td>20070214</td>
+ 	    	<td>JJM</td>
+ 	      <td><loc
+ 	      href="http://www.w3.org/2002/ws/desc/5/cr-issues/issues.html#CR114">CR114</loc>:
  	      Mapping WSDL MEPs to SOAP MEPs

Received on Wednesday, 14 February 2007 17:16:45 UTC