2002/ws/desc/test-suite/documents/good/MessageTest-3G HTTPservice.wsdl,1.2,1.3 servicetypes.xsd,1.1,1.2

Update of /sources/public/2002/ws/desc/test-suite/documents/good/MessageTest-3G
In directory hutz:/tmp/cvs-serv26940/test-suite/documents/good/MessageTest-3G

Modified Files:
	HTTPservice.wsdl servicetypes.xsd 
Log Message:
Completed MessageTest-3G, additional typos in MessageTest-1G and 2G, and regenerated results.

Index: servicetypes.xsd
RCS file: /sources/public/2002/ws/desc/test-suite/documents/good/MessageTest-3G/servicetypes.xsd,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -C 2 -d -r1.1 -r1.2
*** servicetypes.xsd	1 Nov 2006 02:03:31 -0000	1.1
--- servicetypes.xsd	2 Nov 2006 18:00:30 -0000	1.2
*** 1,6 ****
!     <xs:schema elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="http://example.org/message-test/xsd"
        <xs:element name="EchoName" type="xsmt:EchoStructType"/>
        <xs:complexType name="EchoStructType">
--- 1,8 ----
! <xs:schema elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="http://example.org/message-test/xsd"
+       <xs:element name="EchoString" type="xs:string"/>
        <xs:element name="EchoName" type="xsmt:EchoStructType"/>
        <xs:complexType name="EchoStructType">
*** 21,50 ****
!       <xs:element name="echoString" type="xs:string"/>
!       <xs:element name="echoStringReturn" type="xs:string"/>
!       <xs:element name="echoString2" type="xs:string"/>
!       <xs:element name="echoString2Return" type="xs:string"/>
!       <xs:element name="echoString3" type="xs:string"/>
!       <xs:element name="echoString3Return" type="xs:string"/>
!       <xs:element name="EchoInt" type="xsmt:intStruct"/>
!       <xs:complexType name="intStruct">
!         <xs:sequence>
!           <xs:element name="int" type="xs:int"/>
!         </xs:sequence>
!       </xs:complexType>
!       <xs:element name="echoIntReturn" type="xs:int"/>
!       <xs:element name="echoInt2" type="xs:int"/>
!       <xs:element name="echoInt2Return" type="xs:int"/>
!       <xs:element name="echoInt3" type="xs:int"/>
!       <xs:element name="echoInt3Return" type="xs:int"/>
!       <xs:complexType name="IntFaultStruct">
!         <xs:all>
!           <xs:element name="faultNumber" type="xs:int"/>
!           <xs:element name="faultOperationName" type="xs:string"/>
!         </xs:all>
!       </xs:complexType>
!       <xs:element name="messageTestFault" type="xsmt:IntFaultStruct"/>
!       <xs:element name="TestSOAPHeader" type="xs:string"/>
!     </xs:schema>
--- 23,25 ----
! </xs:schema>

Index: HTTPservice.wsdl
RCS file: /sources/public/2002/ws/desc/test-suite/documents/good/MessageTest-3G/HTTPservice.wsdl,v
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -C 2 -d -r1.2 -r1.3
*** HTTPservice.wsdl	2 Nov 2006 15:42:25 -0000	1.2
--- HTTPservice.wsdl	2 Nov 2006 18:00:30 -0000	1.3
*** 8,16 ****
      wire format of messages.  This testcase specificially exercises certain features available 
      in the HTTP Binding, namely:
! todo safe      whttp:method and whttp:methodDefault
! todo      whttp:transferCoding and whttp:transferCodingDefault
! todo      whttp:code
! todo      whttp:header
--- 8,16 ----
      wire format of messages.  This testcase specificially exercises certain features available 
      in the HTTP Binding, namely:
!       whttp:method and whttp:methodDefault
!       whttp:transferCoding and whttp:transferCodingDefault
!       whttp:code
!       whttp:header
*** 18,27 ****
      When running a test pass against this WSDL, each endpoint should be invoked in order, and 
      each operation within the interface bound by that binding should be invoked in the order 
!     it appears in the interface, extended interfaces first.  Thus the order will be:
          EchoName - simple structure echoing in-out operation.
          EchoNameExpectFault - simple structure echoing in-out operation, but defined to return a fault.
          Send - one-way operation sending arbitrary XML payload.
          GuaranteedFault - robust-one-way operation, defined to return a simple fault.
--- 18,29 ----
      When running a test pass against this WSDL, each endpoint should be invoked in order, and 
      each operation within the interface bound by that binding should be invoked in the order 
!     it appears in the interface, extended interfaces first.  Thus the order of the Echo interface
!     will be:
!         EchoString - simple string echoing in-out operation.
          EchoName - simple structure echoing in-out operation.
          EchoNameExpectFault - simple structure echoing in-out operation, but defined to return a fault.
          Send - one-way operation sending arbitrary XML payload.
          GuaranteedFault - robust-one-way operation, defined to return a simple fault.
*** 33,38 ****
    <interface name="Echo">
      <fault name="EchoNameFault" element="xsmt:EchoNameFault"></fault>
!     <operation name="EchoName" pattern="http://www.w3.org/2006/01/wsdl/in-out"
!       style="http://www.w3.org/2006/01/wsdl/style/iri http://www.w3.org/2006/01/wsdl/style/multipart">
        <documentation>Invoke this operation with an EchoName element, and recieve the same EchoName element back.</documentation>
        <input element="xsmt:EchoName"/>
--- 35,46 ----
    <interface name="Echo">
      <fault name="EchoNameFault" element="xsmt:EchoNameFault"></fault>
!     <operation name="EchoString" pattern="http://www.w3.org/2006/01/wsdl/in-out"
!       wsdlx:safe="true">
!       <documentation>Invoke this operation with an EchoString element, and recieve the 
!         same EchoString element back.</documentation>
!       <input element="xsmt:EchoString"/>
!       <output element="xsmt:EchoString"/>
!     </operation>
!     <operation name="EchoName" pattern="http://www.w3.org/2006/01/wsdl/in-out">
        <documentation>Invoke this operation with an EchoName element, and recieve the same EchoName element back.</documentation>
        <input element="xsmt:EchoName"/>
*** 40,47 ****
        <outfault ref="tns:EchoNameFault"/>
!     <operation name="EchoNameExpectFault" pattern="http://www.w3.org/2006/01/wsdl/in-out"
!       style="http://www.w3.org/2006/01/wsdl/style/iri">
!       <documentation>Invoke this operation with an EchoName element, and recieve an EchoNameFault back, 
!         with the text "rejected" and the first, middle and last names from the input message.</documentation>
        <input element="xsmt:EchoName"/>
        <output element="xsmt:EchoName"/>
--- 48,57 ----
        <outfault ref="tns:EchoNameFault"/>
!     <operation name="EchoNameExpectFault" pattern="http://www.w3.org/2006/01/wsdl/in-out">
!       <documentation>
!         Invoke this operation with an EchoName element, and recieve an EchoNameFault 
!         back, with the text "rejected" and the first, middle and last names from the input 
!         message.
!       </documentation>
        <input element="xsmt:EchoName"/>
        <output element="xsmt:EchoName"/>
*** 65,73 ****
        This binding tests the four HTTP methods, GET, PUT, POST, DELETE.
!     <fault ref="tns:EchoNameFault"/>
      <operation ref="tns:EchoName" whttp:method="POST">
!       <input/>
!       <output/>
        <outfault ref="tns:EchoNameFault" />
--- 75,94 ----
        This binding tests the four HTTP methods, GET, PUT, POST, DELETE.
+       It also tests cookies, headers, and fault codes
!     <fault ref="tns:EchoNameFault" whttp:code="402">
!       <whttp:header name="X-WSDLTestHeader" type="xs:string" required="true"/> 
!     </fault>
!     <operation ref="tns:EchoString">
!       <input />
!       <output />
!     </operation>
      <operation ref="tns:EchoName" whttp:method="POST">
!       <input>
!         <whttp:header name="X-WSDLTestHeader" type="xs:string" required="true"/> 
!       </input>
!       <output>
!         <whttp:header name="X-WSDLTestHeader" type="xs:string" required="true"/> 
!       </output>
        <outfault ref="tns:EchoNameFault" />
*** 87,96 ****
    <service name="MessageTestService" interface="tns:Echo">
      <documentation>Exercise each endpoint in order.</documentation>
!     <endpoint name="MessageTestHTTP" binding="tns:EchoHTTPBinding"
!     <endpoint name="AuthenticMessageTestHTTP" binding="tns:EchoURLHTTPBinding"
!       address="http://example.org/MessageTest-3G/endpoint-2"
        whttp:authenticationRealm="example.org Realm"/>
--- 108,156 ----
+   <binding name="CodedEchoHTTPBinding" type="http://www.w3.org/2006/01/wsdl/http"
+     whttp:transferCodingDefault="compress">
+     <documentation>
+       This binding tests the engagement of transfer codings.
+     </documentation>
+     <fault ref="tns:EchoNameFault" whttp:transferCoding=""/>
+     <operation ref="tns:EchoString" whttp:transferCodingDefault="">
+       <input />
+       <output />
+     </operation>
+     <operation ref="tns:EchoName" whttp:transferCodingDefault="gzip"> <!-- gzip should never be used -->
+       <input whttp:transferCodingDefault=""/>
+       <output whttp:transferCodingDefault=""/>
+       <outfault ref="tns:EchoNameFault" />
+     </operation>
+     <operation ref="tns:EchoNameExpectFault" whttp:transferCodingDefault="">
+       <input whttp:transferCodingDefault="compress"/>
+       <output whttp:transferCodingDefault="compress"/>
+       <outfault ref="tns:EchoNameFault" />
+     </operation>
+     <operation ref="tns:Send" whttp:transferCodingDefault="">
+       <input />
+     </operation>
+     <operation ref="tns:GuaranteedFault">
+       <input/>
+       <outfault ref="tns:EchoNameFault" />
+     </operation>
+   </binding>
+   <binding name="SafeEchoHTTPBinding" type="http://www.w3.org/2006/01/wsdl/http">
+     <documentation>
+       This is a generic binding, testing wsdlx:safe's impact on the HTTP method.
+     </documentation>
+   </binding>
    <service name="MessageTestService" interface="tns:Echo">
      <documentation>Exercise each endpoint in order.</documentation>
!     <endpoint name="MessageTestGeneric" binding="tns:SafeEchoHTTPBinding"
!     <endpoint name="MessageTestHTTP" binding="tns:CodedEchoHTTPBinding"
!       address="http://example.org/MessageTest-3G/endpoint-2"/>
!     <endpoint name="MessageTestHTTP" binding="tns:EchoHTTPBinding"
!       address="http://example.org/MessageTest-3G/endpoint-3"/>
!     <endpoint name="AuthenticMessageTestHTTP" binding="tns:EchoHTTPBinding"
!       address="http://example.org/MessageTest-3G/endpoint-4"
        whttp:authenticationRealm="example.org Realm"/>

Received on Thursday, 2 November 2006 18:01:46 UTC