2002/ws/desc/wsdl20 wsdl20-rdf.html,1.29,1.30

Update of /sources/public/2002/ws/desc/wsdl20
In directory hutz:/tmp/cvs-serv23620

Modified Files:
Log Message:
adding namespace summary, dropped mapping table appendix, fixed http header handling, other small fixes

Index: wsdl20-rdf.html
RCS file: /sources/public/2002/ws/desc/wsdl20/wsdl20-rdf.html,v
retrieving revision 1.29
retrieving revision 1.30
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*** wsdl20-rdf.html	8 May 2006 19:47:05 -0000	1.29
--- wsdl20-rdf.html	8 May 2006 20:58:36 -0000	1.30
*** 45,50 ****
  <h2><a id="abstract">Abstract</a></h2>
! <p><!-- todo update when the rest is OK: -->
! Web Services Description Language (WSDL) provides a model and an XML 
  format for describing Web services. This document describes a 
  representation of that model in the Resource Description Language (RDF) and
--- 45,49 ----
  <h2><a id="abstract">Abstract</a></h2>
! <p>Web Services Description Language (WSDL) provides a model and an XML 
  format for describing Web services. This document describes a 
  representation of that model in the Resource Description Language (RDF) and
*** 163,167 ****
  <p class="toc">
  A. <a href="#ontologysource">The OWL Ontology Source</a><br />
- B. <a href="#mappingtables">mapping wsdl files to rdf</a><br />
--- 162,165 ----
*** 238,250 ****
  of the values is irrelevant in WSDL.</p>
  <h3 id="overview">1.2 Organization of this specification</h3>
! <p>The remainder of this specification is split into three sections and two
! appendices:</p>
  <li><a href="#ontology">Section 2</a> describes the ontology for representing
! WSDL information,</li>
  <li><a href="#example">Section 3</a> shows the RDF form of a full example
  WSDL document,</li>
--- 236,274 ----
  of the values is irrelevant in WSDL.</p>
+ <p>This specification uses predefined namespace prefixes
+ throughout; they are given in the following list. Note that the
+ choice of any namespace prefix is arbitrary and not semantically
+ significant (see [<cite><a href="#XMLNS">XML
+ Namespaces</a></cite>]).</p>
+ <dl>
+ <dt class="label">wsdl</dt>
+ <dd>http://www.w3.org/2005/10/wsdl-rdf#</dd>
+ <dt class="label">wsdlx</dt>
+ <dd>http://www.w3.org/2006/01/wsdl-extensions#</dd>
+ <dt class="label">wsoap</dt>
+ <dd>http://www.w3.org/2006/01/wsdl/soap#</dd>
+ <dt class="label">whttp</dt>
+ <dd>http://www.w3.org/2006/01/wsdl/http#</dd>
+ <dt class="label">wrpc</dt>
+ <dd>http://www.w3.org/2006/01/wsdl/rpc#</dd>
+ <dt class="label">rdf</dt>
+ <dd>http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#</dd>
+ <dt class="label">xs</dt>
+ <dd>http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#</dd>
+ <dt class="label">ex</dt>
+ <dd>http://example.com/#</dd>
+ </dl>
  <h3 id="overview">1.2 Organization of this specification</h3>
! <p>The remainder of this specification is split into three sections and an
! appendix:</p>
  <li><a href="#ontology">Section 2</a> describes the ontology for representing
! WSDL information and show the formal mapping tables,</li>
  <li><a href="#example">Section 3</a> shows the RDF form of a full example
  WSDL document,</li>
*** 253,259 ****
  this document,</li>
  <li><a href="#ontologysource">Appendix A</a> contains the full listing of the
! WSDL ontology,</li>
! <li><a href="#mappingtables">Appendix B</a> contains formal mapping tables
! defining the transformation from a WSDL component model to RDF data.</li>
--- 277,281 ----
  this document,</li>
  <li><a href="#ontologysource">Appendix A</a> contains the full listing of the
! WSDL ontology.</li>
*** 261,269 ****
  <p>This section describes the OWL ontology for WSDL, comparing it to the WSDL
! component model defined in [<a href="#WSDL-PART1">WSDL&nbsp;2.0 Core Language</a>]. While the text in
! this section may imply how the components might be mapped to their RDF
! representation, such implications are not intended to be normative, as this
! section aims to be a verbose explanation of the mapping. For the formal
! normative mappings, see <a href="#mappingtables">Appendix B</a>.</p>
  <p>This section may also briefly touch on some differences between the OWL
--- 283,293 ----
  <p>This section describes the OWL ontology for WSDL, comparing it to the WSDL
! component model defined in [<a href="#WSDL-PART1">WSDL&nbsp;2.0 Core
! Language</a>] and [<a href="#WSDL-PART2">WSDL&nbsp;2.0
! Adjuncts</a>]. The text in this section aims to be a verbose explanation of
! the mapping, and the formal normative mappings are specified in the mapping
! tables at the end of each subsection. Note that the URIs (binding types,
! operation styles, message exchange patterns etc.) defined by the
! WSDL&nbsp;2.0 specification are not repeated in the mapping tables.</p>
  <p>This section may also briefly touch on some differences between the OWL
*** 272,280 ****
! <p>The ontological equivalents for the core WSDL components defined in [<a
! href="#WSDL-PART1">WSDL&nbsp;2.0 Core Language</a>] are described in <a href="#core">section 2.1</a>.
  All these components are extensible, so <a href="#extensions">section 2.2</a>
  describes how extensions are mapped to RDF. The
! following sections, from 2.3 to 2.7, describe the ontological equivalents for
  the various adjuncts specified in [<a href="#WSDL-PART2">WSDL&nbsp;2.0
--- 296,304 ----
! <p>The RDF mapping for the core WSDL components defined in [<a
! href="#WSDL-PART1">WSDL&nbsp;2.0 Core Language</a>] is described in <a href="#core">section 2.1</a>.
  All these components are extensible, so <a href="#extensions">section 2.2</a>
  describes how extensions are mapped to RDF. The
! following sections, from 2.3 to 2.7, describe the mapping for
  the various adjuncts specified in [<a href="#WSDL-PART2">WSDL&nbsp;2.0
*** 1128,1133 ****
  interface message references.</p>
! <!-- todo add text to all the tables saying why they are there,
! especially here it's not the full MEP ontology, it's just the labels that are necessary above -->
  <div class="mappingtable">
--- 1152,1158 ----
  interface message references.</p>
! <p>The following mapping table only shows the message label URIs defined by
! the WSDL ontology for the message labels defined by the message exchange
! patterns from [<a href="#WSDL-PART2">WSDL&nbsp;2.0 Adjuncts</a>].</p>
  <div class="mappingtable">
*** 1505,1510 ****
  <h3 id="httpbinding">2.7 HTTP Binding</h3>
- <!-- todo I haven't synchronized text with tables yet -->
  <p>WSDL bindings that bind to HTTP are identified as instances of the class
  <tt>http://www.w3.org/2006/01/wsdl/http</tt>. The HTTP bindings that make
--- 1530,1533 ----
*** 1513,1519 ****
  <p>HTTP binding operations can specify a number of HTTP parameters:
! operation-specific location, HTTP method, input and output and fault
  serialization, and query parameter separator. These parameters are
! represented in RDF with the properties <tt>location</tt>,
  <tt>method</tt>, <tt>inputSerialization</tt>,
  <tt>outputSerialization</tt>, <tt>faultSerialization</tt> and
--- 1536,1543 ----
  <p>HTTP binding operations can specify a number of HTTP parameters:
! operation-specific location (and what to do with parameters that are not
! serialized in it &mdash; <i>ignore uncited</i>), HTTP method, input and output and fault
  serialization, and query parameter separator. These parameters are
! represented in RDF with the properties <tt>location</tt>, <tt>locationIgnoreUncited</tt>,
  <tt>method</tt>, <tt>inputSerialization</tt>,
  <tt>outputSerialization</tt>, <tt>faultSerialization</tt> and
*** 1526,1532 ****
  <p>Message references and faults in an HTTP binding can specify the use of
! extra HTTP headers <!-- todo fix, now it's a component --> by pointing to a QName with the property
! <tt>header</tt>. Message references and fault references in HTTP binding
! operations can also specify the transfer coding using the property
  <tt>transferCoding</tt> with a literal string value, as in the XML
  representation; and binding operations or even bindings may define the
--- 1550,1563 ----
  <p>Message references and faults in an HTTP binding can specify the use of
! extra HTTP headers. Required headers are pointed to using the property
! <tt>requiresHeader</tt>, whereas optional headers are referenced using the
! property <tt>offersHeader</tt>. Both properties point to an instance of the
! class <tt>HTTPHeader</tt>. Each <tt>HTTPHeader</tt> instance has a property
! <tt>headerName</tt> that specifies the name of the header, and a property
! <tt>typeDefinition</tt> which defines the simple type of the header
! value.</p>
! <p>Message references and faults 
! can also specify the transfer coding using the property
  <tt>transferCoding</tt> with a literal string value, as in the XML
  representation; and binding operations or even bindings may define the
*** 1536,1542 ****
! <p>HTTP bindings can also specify access authentication parameters, in
! particular authentication scheme and realm. These parameters are reflected with
! the properties <tt>authenticationScheme</tt> and
  <tt>authenticationRealm</tt> with string values.</p>
--- 1567,1573 ----
! <p>Service endpoints that use an HTTP binding can specify access authentication
! parameters, in particular authentication scheme and realm. These parameters are
! reflected with the properties <tt>authenticationScheme</tt> and
  <tt>authenticationRealm</tt> with string values.</p>
*** 1552,1563 ****
-       <td> {http transfer coding default}</td>
-       <td> &lt;bindingId&gt; whttp:defaultTransferCoding "&lt;coding&gt;"</td>
-     </tr>
-     <tr>
        <td> {http cookies}</td>
        <td> <em>(only if true)</em> &lt;bindingId&gt; rdf:type whttp:HTTPBindingWithCookies</td>
        <td> {http method default}</td>
        <td> &lt;bindingId&gt; whttp:defaultMethod "&lt;method&gt;"</td>
--- 1583,1594 ----
        <td> {http cookies}</td>
        <td> <em>(only if true)</em> &lt;bindingId&gt; rdf:type whttp:HTTPBindingWithCookies</td>
+       <td> {http transfer coding default}</td>
+       <td> &lt;bindingId&gt; whttp:defaultTransferCoding "&lt;coding&gt;"</td>
+     </tr>
+     <tr>
        <td> {http method default}</td>
        <td> &lt;bindingId&gt; whttp:defaultMethod "&lt;method&gt;"</td>
*** 1729,1805 ****
! @prefix rdf: &lt;http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#&gt; .
! @prefix wsdl: &lt;http://www.w3.org/2006/01/wsdl&gt; .
! @prefix rwsdl: &lt;http://www.w3.org/2005/10/wsdl-rdf#&gt; .
! @prefix owl: &lt;http://www.w3.org/2002/07/owl#&gt; .
! @prefix rdfs: &lt;http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#&gt; .
!      a rwsdl:Description ;
!      rwsdl:interface &lt;http://greath.example.com/2004/wsdl/resSvc#wsdl.interface(reservationInterface)&gt; ;
!      rwsdl:binding &lt;http://greath.example.com/2004/wsdl/resSvc#wsdl.binding(reservationSOAPBinding)&gt; ;
!      rwsdl:service &lt;http://greath.example.com/2004/wsdl/resSvc#wsdl.service(reservationService)&gt; .
!      a rwsdl:Interface ;
!      rwsdl:interfaceFault &lt;http://greath.example.com/2004/wsdl/resSvc#wsdl.interfaceFault(reservationInterface/invalidDataFault)&gt; ;
!      rwsdl:interfaceOperation &lt;http://greath.example.com/2004/wsdl/resSvc#wsdl.interfaceOperation(reservationInterface/opCheckAvailability)&gt; .
!      a rwsdl:InterfaceFault ;
!      rwsdl:elementDeclaration _:L9C14 .
!      a rwsdl:InterfaceFaultReference ;
!      a rwsdl:OutputMessage; 
!      rwsdl:messageLabel &lt;&gt;; 
!      rwsdl:interfaceFault &lt;http://greath.example.com/2004/wsdl/resSvc#wsdl.interfaceFault(reservationInterface/invalidDataFault)&gt; .
!      a rwsdl:InterfaceMessageReference ;
!      a rwsdl:InputMessage; 
!      rwsdl:elementDeclaration _:L22C18 ;
!      rwsdl:messageLabel &lt;&gt;; 
!      rwsdl:messageContentModel rwsdl:element .
!      a rwsdl:InterfaceMessageReference ;
!      a rwsdl:OutputMessage; 
!      rwsdl:elementDeclaration _:L32C18 ;
!      rwsdl:messageLabel &lt;&gt;; 
!      rwsdl:messageContentModel rwsdl:element .
!      a rwsdl:InterfaceOperation ;
!      rwsdl:messageExchangePattern &lt;http://www.w3.org/2004/03/wsdl/in-out&gt; .
!      rwsdl:interfaceMessageReference &lt;http://greath.example.com/2004/wsdl/resSvc#wsdl.interfaceMessageReference(reservationInterface/opCheckAvailability/In)&gt; ;
!      rwsdl:interfaceMessageReference &lt;http://greath.example.com/2004/wsdl/resSvc#wsdl.interfaceMessageReference(reservationInterface/opCheckAvailability/Out)&gt; ;
!      rwsdl:interfaceFaultReference &lt;http://greath.example.com/2004/wsdl/resSvc#wsdl.interfaceFaultReference(reservationInterface/opCheckAvailability/Out/invalidDataFault)&gt; ;
!      a rwsdl:Binding ;
       a &lt;http://www.w3.org/2006/01/wsdl/soap&gt;; 
!      rwsdl:interface &lt;http://greath.example.com/2004/wsdl/resSvc#wsdl.interface(reservationInterface)&gt; ;
!      rwsdl:bindingFault &lt;http://greath.example.com/2004/wsdl/resSvc#wsdl.bindingFault(reservationSOAPBinding/invalidDataFault)&gt; ;
!      rwsdl:bindingOperation &lt;http://greath.example.com/2004/wsdl/resSvc#wsdl.bindingOperation(reservationSOAPBinding/opCheckAvailability)&gt; .
!      a rwsdl:BindingFault ;
!      rwsdl:interfaceFault &lt;http://greath.example.com/2004/wsdl/resSvc#wsdl.interfaceFault(reservationInterface/invalidDataFault)&gt; .
!      a rwsdl:BindingOperation ;
!      rwsdl:interfaceOperation &lt;http://greath.example.com/2004/wsdl/resSvc#wsdl.interfaceOperation(reservationInterface/opCheckAvailability)&gt; .
!      a rwsdl:Service ;
!      rwsdl:interface &lt;http://greath.example.com/2004/wsdl/resSvc#wsdl.interface(reservationInterface)&gt; .
!      rwsdl:endpoint &lt;http://greath.example.com/2004/wsdl/resSvc#wsdl.endpoint(reservationService/reservationEndpoint)&gt; ;
!      a rwsdl:Endpoint ;
!      rwsdl:binding &lt;http://greath.example.com/2004/wsdl/resSvc#wsdl.binding(reservationSOAPBinding)&gt;; 
!      rwsdl:address &lt;http://greath.example.com/2004/reservation&gt; .
!      a rwsdl:QName .
!      rwsdl:localName "invalidDataError"; 
!      rwsdl:namespace "http://greath.example.com/2004/schemas/resSvc"; 
!      a rwsdl:QName .
!      rwsdl:localName "checkAvailability"; 
!      rwsdl:namespace "http://greath.example.com/2004/schemas/resSvc"; 
!      a rwsdl:QName .
!      rwsdl:localName "checkAvailabilityResponse"; 
!      rwsdl:namespace "http://greath.example.com/2004/schemas/resSvc"; 
--- 1760,1832 ----
! @prefix wsdl: &lt;http://www.w3.org/2005/10/wsdl-rdf#&gt; .
!      a wsdl:Description ;
!      wsdl:interface &lt;http://greath.example.com/2004/wsdl/resSvc#wsdl.interface(reservationInterface)&gt; ;
!      wsdl:binding &lt;http://greath.example.com/2004/wsdl/resSvc#wsdl.binding(reservationSOAPBinding)&gt; ;
!      wsdl:service &lt;http://greath.example.com/2004/wsdl/resSvc#wsdl.service(reservationService)&gt; .
!      a wsdl:Interface ;
!      wsdl:interfaceFault &lt;http://greath.example.com/2004/wsdl/resSvc#wsdl.interfaceFault(reservationInterface/invalidDataFault)&gt; ;
!      wsdl:interfaceOperation &lt;http://greath.example.com/2004/wsdl/resSvc#wsdl.interfaceOperation(reservationInterface/opCheckAvailability)&gt; .
!      a wsdl:InterfaceFault ;
!      wsdl:elementDeclaration _:L9C14 .
!      a wsdl:InterfaceFaultReference ;
!      a wsdl:OutputMessage; 
!      wsdl:messageLabel &lt;&gt;; 
!      wsdl:interfaceFault &lt;http://greath.example.com/2004/wsdl/resSvc#wsdl.interfaceFault(reservationInterface/invalidDataFault)&gt; .
!      a wsdl:InterfaceMessageReference ;
!      a wsdl:InputMessage; 
!      wsdl:elementDeclaration _:L22C18 ;
!      wsdl:messageLabel &lt;&gt;; 
!      wsdl:messageContentModel wsdl:element .
!      a wsdl:InterfaceMessageReference ;
!      a wsdl:OutputMessage; 
!      wsdl:elementDeclaration _:L32C18 ;
!      wsdl:messageLabel &lt;&gt;; 
!      wsdl:messageContentModel wsdl:element .
!      a wsdl:InterfaceOperation ;
!      wsdl:messageExchangePattern &lt;http://www.w3.org/2004/03/wsdl/in-out&gt; .
!      wsdl:interfaceMessageReference &lt;http://greath.example.com/2004/wsdl/resSvc#wsdl.interfaceMessageReference(reservationInterface/opCheckAvailability/In)&gt; ;
!      wsdl:interfaceMessageReference &lt;http://greath.example.com/2004/wsdl/resSvc#wsdl.interfaceMessageReference(reservationInterface/opCheckAvailability/Out)&gt; ;
!      wsdl:interfaceFaultReference &lt;http://greath.example.com/2004/wsdl/resSvc#wsdl.interfaceFaultReference(reservationInterface/opCheckAvailability/Out/invalidDataFault)&gt; ;
!      a wsdl:Binding ;
       a &lt;http://www.w3.org/2006/01/wsdl/soap&gt;; 
!      wsdl:interface &lt;http://greath.example.com/2004/wsdl/resSvc#wsdl.interface(reservationInterface)&gt; ;
!      wsdl:bindingFault &lt;http://greath.example.com/2004/wsdl/resSvc#wsdl.bindingFault(reservationSOAPBinding/invalidDataFault)&gt; ;
!      wsdl:bindingOperation &lt;http://greath.example.com/2004/wsdl/resSvc#wsdl.bindingOperation(reservationSOAPBinding/opCheckAvailability)&gt; .
!      a wsdl:BindingFault ;
!      wsdl:interfaceFault &lt;http://greath.example.com/2004/wsdl/resSvc#wsdl.interfaceFault(reservationInterface/invalidDataFault)&gt; .
!      a wsdl:BindingOperation ;
!      wsdl:interfaceOperation &lt;http://greath.example.com/2004/wsdl/resSvc#wsdl.interfaceOperation(reservationInterface/opCheckAvailability)&gt; .
!      a wsdl:Service ;
!      wsdl:interface &lt;http://greath.example.com/2004/wsdl/resSvc#wsdl.interface(reservationInterface)&gt; .
!      wsdl:endpoint &lt;http://greath.example.com/2004/wsdl/resSvc#wsdl.endpoint(reservationService/reservationEndpoint)&gt; ;
!      a wsdl:Endpoint ;
!      wsdl:binding &lt;http://greath.example.com/2004/wsdl/resSvc#wsdl.binding(reservationSOAPBinding)&gt;; 
!      wsdl:address &lt;http://greath.example.com/2004/reservation&gt; .
!      a wsdl:QName .
!      wsdl:localName "invalidDataError"; 
!      wsdl:namespace "http://greath.example.com/2004/schemas/resSvc"; 
!      a wsdl:QName .
!      wsdl:localName "checkAvailability"; 
!      wsdl:namespace "http://greath.example.com/2004/schemas/resSvc"; 
!      a wsdl:QName .
!      wsdl:localName "checkAvailabilityResponse"; 
!      wsdl:namespace "http://greath.example.com/2004/schemas/resSvc"; 
*** 1966,1975 ****
  <p>As a notable exception, references to type definitions and element
  declarations (usually from XML Schema) are represented as instances of
! our class <tt>QName</tt>, with both namespace and local part represented
! as literals. This might change if a standard RDF representation for XML
  Schema element declarations and type definitions is developed &mdash; then
  direct references to the URIs used in that representation would be used.</p>
! <p>Ednote<!-- todo only feature - no, also soap module -->: Additionally, certain components in WSDL are only
  pointers, they only have a single literal property that points to an external
  thing. For example, the feature component only carries the URI of the
--- 1993,2002 ----
  <p>As a notable exception, references to type definitions and element
  declarations (usually from XML Schema) are represented as instances of
! our class <tt>QName</tt>, with local part represented as literal and the
! namespace as a resource. This might change if a standard RDF representation for XML
  Schema element declarations and type definitions is developed &mdash; then
  direct references to the URIs used in that representation would be used.</p>
! <p>Additionally, certain components in WSDL (Feature, SOAP Module) are only
  pointers, they only have a single literal property that points to an external
  thing. For example, the feature component only carries the URI of the
*** 1977,1982 ****
  these components can contain documentation and extensions in WSDL, we chose
  to represent these components as direct links from the parent component to
! the target feature or the element QName, as the indirection seems to add very
! little value.</p>
  <h3 id="diff-propsasclasses">4.4 Representing properties with classes</h3>
--- 2004,2010 ----
  these components can contain documentation and extensions in WSDL, we chose
  to represent these components as direct links from the parent component to
! the target feature or module, as the indirection seems to add very
! little value and introduces naming difficulties (see description of Property
! component mapping in <a href="#featprops">section 2.2.1</a>.)</p>
  <h3 id="diff-propsasclasses">4.4 Representing properties with classes</h3>
*** 2077,2080 ****
--- 2105,2118 ----
+ <dt class="label"><a name="XMLNS" id="XMLNS"></a>[XML
+ Namespaces]</dt>
+ <dd><cite><a href=
+ "http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-xml-names-19990114">Namespaces in
+ XML</a></cite>, T. Bray, D. Hollander, and A. Layman, Editors.
+ World Wide Web Consortium, 14 January 1999. This version of the
+ Namespaces in XML Recommendation is
+ http://www.w3.org/TR/1999/REC-xml-names-19990114. The <a href=
+ "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names">latest version of Namespaces
+ in XML</a> is available at http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names.</dd>
*** 2093,2111 ****
- <h2 id="mappingtables">Appendix B: mapping wsdl files to rdf</h2>
- <!-- todo namespaces rdf, wsdl, wsdlx etc -->
- <p><b>Ednote:</b> The following tables are a preliminary version of the
- envisioned final mapping, which will include a proper description of what the
- tables mean and how they are to be interpreted.</p>
- <p><b>Conventions:</b> currentInterface corresponds to the interface being
- defined, while interfaces related to its via one of the XML children
- are denoted by one or two-letter abbreviations (e.g. io for interface
- operation, if for interface fault)
- </p>
--- 2131,2134 ----

Received on Monday, 8 May 2006 20:58:51 UTC