2002/ws/desc/wsdl20 wsdl20-adjuncts.xml,1.105,

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      Tag: http_serialization_reworking
Log Message:
First step reworking HTTP serializations

Index: wsdl20-adjuncts.xml
RCS file: /sources/public/2002/ws/desc/wsdl20/wsdl20-adjuncts.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.105
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -d -r1.105 -r1.105.2.1
*** wsdl20-adjuncts.xml	23 Sep 2005 08:34:42 -0000	1.105
--- wsdl20-adjuncts.xml	29 Sep 2005 18:12:30 -0000
*** 3739,3742 ****
--- 3739,3803 ----
  	restrictions on the style of the Interface Operation bound.
+       <table border="1">
+ 	<caption>Table 6-6. Applicability and features of the serialization
+ 	formats for the HTTP binding defined in this
+ 	specification</caption>
+ 	<tbody>
+ 	  <tr>
+ 	    <th rowspan="2" colspan="3">HTTP message</th>
+ 	    <th colspan="4">Serialization of the instance data in
+ 	    parts of an HTTP message</th>
+ 	  </tr>
+ 	  <tr>
+ 	    <th>in the request URI</th>
+ 	    <th colspan="3">in the message body</th>
+ 	  </tr>
+ 	  <tr>
+ 	    <th rowspan="7">Input message</th>
+ 	    <td colspan="2">HTTP request with method:</td>
+ 	    <td colspan="2">application/x-www-form-urlencoded</td>
+ 	    <td>application/xml</td>
+ 	    <td>multipart/form-data</td>
+ 	  </tr>
+ 	  <tr>
+ 	    <td rowspan="3">Without message body</td>
+ 	    <td>GET</td>
+ 	    <td rowspan="3">All</td>
+ 	    <td rowspan="3">N/A</td>
+ 	    <td rowspan="3">N/A</td>
+ 	    <td rowspan="3">N/A</td>
+ 	  </tr>
+ 	  <tr>
+ 	    <td>DELETE</td>
+ 	  </tr>
+ 	  <tr>
+ 	    <td>Other</td>
+ 	  </tr>
+ 	  <tr>
+ 	    <td rowspan="3">With message body</td>
+ 	    <td>POST</td>
+ 	    <td rowspan="3">Some or all</td>
+ 	    <td rowspan="3">Some or all</td>
+ 	    <td rowspan="3">All</td>
+ 	    <td rowspan="3">All</td>
+ 	  </tr>
+ 	  <tr>
+ 	    <td>PUT</td>
+ 	  </tr>
+ 	  <tr>
+ 	    <td>Other</td>
+ 	  </tr>
+ 	  <tr>
+ 	    <th>Output message</th>
+ 	    <td colspan="2">HTTP response</td>
+ 	    <td>N/A</td>
+ 	    <td>N/A</td>
+ 	    <td>All</td>
+ 	    <td>All</td>
+ 	  </tr>
+ 	</tbody>
+       </table>
          <div3 id="_http_x-www-form-urlencoded">
            <head>Serialization as <attval>application/x-www-form-urlencoded</attval>
*** 3771,3821 ****
!           <p>
! 	  Elements from the instance data can be inserted into
! 	  the path of the request IRI, or a query parameter, as shown in
! 	  the example below:
! 	</p>
!           <example id="urlencoded_example">
!             <head>Instance data serialized in a IRI</head>
!             <p>
! 	    The following instance data of an input message
! 	  </p>
!             <eg xml:space="preserve">&lt;data&gt;
!   &lt;town&gt;Fréjus&lt;/town&gt;
!   &lt;date&gt;2004-01-16&lt;/date&gt;
!   &lt;unit&gt;C&lt;/unit&gt;
! &lt;/data&gt;</eg>
!             <p>
! 	    with the following <el>operation</el> element
! 	  </p>
!             <eg xml:space="preserve">&lt;operation ref='t:data'
!     whttp:location='temperature/{town}'
!     whttp:method='GET' /&gt;</eg>
!             <p>
! 	    and the following <el>endpoint</el> element
! 	  </p>
!             <eg xml:space="preserve">&lt;endpoint name='e' binding='t:b'
!     address='http://ws.example.com/service1/' /&gt;</eg>
!             <p>
! 	    will serialize the message in the IRI as follow:
! 	  </p>
!             <eg xml:space="preserve">http://ws.example.com/service1/temperature/Fr%C3%A9jus?date=2004-01-16&amp;unit=C</eg>
!           </example>
! 	  <p>In this serialization, the value of the <prop
! 	  comp="Binding Operation">http location</prop> property of the
! 	  <comp>Binding Operation</comp> component, if present,
! 	   is used as a template which is combined with the
! 	  <prop comp="Endpoint">address</prop> property of the endpoint element to
! 	  form the full IRI to be used in an HTTP request, as
! 	  specified in section <specref ref="http-operation-decl-relate"/>.</p>
! 	  <p>This IRI MUST be mapped to an URI for use in the HTTP
! 	  Request as per section 3.1 "Mapping of IRIs to URIs" of the
! 	  IRI specification <bibref ref="RFC3987"/>.</p>
            <div4 id="_http_operation_location_cited_get">
!             <head>Case of elements cited in the {http location}
! 	    property</head>
                <name>URIPath Feedback Requested</name>
--- 3832,3865 ----
! 	  <div4 id="_http_urlencoded_where">
! 	    <head>Serialization of the instance data in parts of the
! 	    HTTP request</head>
! 	    <p>In this serialization, part of the instance data MAY be
! 	    serialized in the HTTP request IRI, and another part MAY
! 	    be serialized in the HTTP message body.</p>
! 	    <p>The value of the <prop comp="Binding Operation">http
! 	    location</prop> property of the <comp>Binding
! 	    Operation</comp> component, if present, is used as a
! 	    template which is combined with the <prop
! 	    comp="Endpoint">address</prop> property of the endpoint
! 	    element to form the full IRI to be used in an HTTP
! 	    request, as specified in section <specref
! 	    ref="http-operation-decl-relate"/>.</p>
! 	    <p>This IRI MUST be mapped to an URI for use in the HTTP
! 	    Request as per section 3.1 "Mapping of IRIs to URIs" of
! 	    the IRI specification <bibref ref="RFC3987"/>.</p>
! 	    <p>The elements of the instance data not used in the HTTP
! 	    request part of the HTTP message, if any, are serialized
! 	    in the HTTP message body.</p>
! 	  </div4>
            <div4 id="_http_operation_location_cited_get">
!             <head>Construction of the request IRI using the {http
!             location} property</head>
                <name>URIPath Feedback Requested</name>
*** 3831,3835 ****
  	    elements from the 
  				<termref def="instance_data">instance data</termref> of the
! 				input message to be serialized in the
  				path component of the
  				request IRI ("Syntax Components", <bibref ref="RFC3987"/>,
--- 3875,3879 ----
  	    elements from the 
  				<termref def="instance_data">instance data</termref> of the
! 				message to be serialized in the
  				path component of the
  				request IRI ("Syntax Components", <bibref ref="RFC3987"/>,
*** 3854,3863 ****
              <p>An element MUST NOT be cited more than once within
  				the <prop comp="Binding Operation">http location</prop> property.</p>
- 	      <p>An element name MAY be followed by a slash (i.e. "/")
- 	      inside curly braces
- 	      (e.g. <attval>temperature/{town/}</attval>) to indicate that
- 	      no other element must be serialized in the request IRI
- 	      (see <specref
- 	      ref="_http_operation_location_notcited_get"/>).</p>
              <p>Strings enclosed within single curly braces MUST be
  				element names from the <termref def="instance_data">instance
--- 3898,3901 ----
*** 3868,3872 ****
            <div4 id="_http_operation_location_notcited_get">
!             <head>Case elements NOT cited in the {http location} property</head>
  	    <p>If not all elements from the <termref
  	    def="instance_data">instance data</termref> are cited in
--- 3906,3910 ----
            <div4 id="_http_operation_location_notcited_get">
!             <head>Serialization of content of the instance data not cited in the {http location} property</head>
  	    <p>If not all elements from the <termref
  	    def="instance_data">instance data</termref> are cited in
*** 3877,3898 ****
  	    <p>If the <prop comp="Binding Operation">http
! 	    location</prop> property exists and if an element name appears
! 	    followed by a slash in its value, then
! 	    the instance data must be serialized in the message body
! 	    (see <specref
! 	    ref="_http_operation_location_notcited_body"/>), otherwise
! 	    the elements not cited must be serialized as parameters in
! 	    the request IRI (see <specref
! 	    ref="_http_operation_location_notcited_iri"/>).</p>
- 	    <div5 id="_http_operation_location_notcited_iri">
- 	      <head>Serialization in the request IRI</head>
    elements with a possibly empty single value of the <termref def="instance_data">instance
! 	    data</termref> from the input message NOT cited by the
  	    <prop comp="Binding Operation">http location</prop> property
!               are serialized as query parameters appended to the
! 	      request IRI (e.g. <specref
! 	      ref="urlencoded_example"/>) in the order they appear in
  	      the instance data.
--- 3915,3935 ----
  	    <p>If the <prop comp="Binding Operation">http
! 	    location</prop> property exists @@@, then the remainder of the
! 	    instance data is serialized as parameters in the request
! 	    IRI (see <specref
! 	    ref="_http_operation_location_notcited_iri"/>), otherwise
! 	    it is serialized in the message body, if applicable.</p>
! 	    <div5 id='_http_operation_location_query_constr'>
! 	      <head>Construction of the query string</head>
! 	      <p>For elements of the instance data not cited, a query
! 	      string is constructed as follows.</p>
    elements with a possibly empty single value of the <termref def="instance_data">instance
! 	    data</termref> not cited by the
  	    <prop comp="Binding Operation">http location</prop> property
!               are serialized as query parameters in the order they appear in
  	      the instance data.
*** 3904,3914 ****
! 	    If the <prop comp="Binding Operation">http location</prop> property
! 	    is not present, or if it is present and its value does not
! 	    contain a <attval>?</attval> (question mark) character, one is
! 	    appended. If it does already contain a question mark
! 	    character, then the value of the
! 	    <prop comp="Binding Operation">http query parameter separator</prop> property
! 	    is appended. Each parameter pair is
  	    separated by the value of the <prop comp="Binding Operation">http query parameter separator</prop> property.
--- 3941,3945 ----
! 	    Each parameter pair is
  	    separated by the value of the <prop comp="Binding Operation">http query parameter separator</prop> property.
*** 3933,3936 ****
--- 3964,4035 ----
+           <example id="urlencoded_example_querystring">
+             <head>Query string generation</head>
+             <p>
+             The following instance data of an input message
+           </p>
+             <eg xml:space="preserve">&lt;data&gt;
+   &lt;town&gt;Fréjus&lt;/town&gt;
+   &lt;date&gt;2004-01-16&lt;/date&gt;
+   &lt;unit&gt;C&lt;/unit&gt;
+ &lt;/data&gt;</eg>
+             <p>
+             with the following value of the {http location} property:
+           </p>
+             <eg xml:space="preserve">'temperature/{town}'</eg>
+             <p>
+             and the following value of the {http query parameter separator} property:
+           </p>
+             <eg xml:space="preserve">'&amp;'</eg>
+             <p>
+             will produce the following query string:
+           </p>
+             <eg xml:space="preserve">date=2004-01-16&amp;unit=C</eg>
+           </example>
+ 	    </div5>
+ 	    <div5 id="_http_operation_location_notcited_iri">
+ 	      <head>Serialization in the request IRI</head>
+ 	      <p>If the HTTP request method used, specified in the
+ 	      <prop comp="Binding Operation">http method</prop> of
+ 	      the Binding Operation component bound, does not allow
+ 	      HTTP message body (e.g. <attval>GET</attval> and
+ 	      <attval>DELETE</attval>), then the following rules
+ 	      apply.</p>
+ 	      <p>If the <prop comp="Binding Operation">http
+ 	      location</prop> property is not present, or if it is
+ 	      present and its value does not contain a
+ 	      <attval>?</attval> (question mark) character, one is
+ 	      appended to the request IRI. If it does already contain
+ 	      a question mark character, then the value of the <prop
+ 	      comp="Binding Operation">http query parameter
+ 	      separator</prop> property is appended.</p>
+ 	      <p>Finally, the query string computed in <specref ref=
+ 	      "_http_operation_location_query_constr"/> is appended.</p>
+           <example id="urlencoded_example">
+             <head>Instance data serialized in a IRI</head>
+             <p>
+ 	      The instance data defined in <specref ref="urlencoded_example_querystring"/> with the following <el>operation</el> declaration:
+           </p>
+             <eg xml:space="preserve">&lt;operation ref='t:data'
+     whttp:location='temperature/{town}'
+     whttp:method='GET' /&gt;</eg>
+             <p>
+             and the following <el>endpoint</el> declaration:
+           </p>
+             <eg xml:space="preserve">&lt;endpoint name='e' binding='t:b'
+     address='http://ws.example.com/service1/' /&gt;</eg>
+             <p>
+             will serialize the message in the HTTP request as follows:
+           </p>
+             <eg xml:space="preserve">GET http://ws.example.com/service1/temperature/Fr%C3%A9jus?date=2004-01-16&amp;unit=C HTTP/1.1
+ Host: ws.example.com</eg>
+           </example>
*** 3938,3964 ****
  	      <head>Serialization in the message body</head>
! 	      <p>In addition to the serialization in the request IRI
! 	      of the elements cited in the <prop comp="Binding Operation">http location</prop> property,
! 	      the entire <termref def="instance_data">instance
! 	      data</termref> is serialized in the message body
! 	      following the rules of the
! 	      <attval>application/xml</attval> (see <specref
! 	      ref="_http_operation_xml_encoding"/>).</p>
! 	      <example id="urlencoded_example_body">
! 		<head>Instance data serialized in a IRI and in a
! 		message body</head>
!             <p>
! 	    The following instance data of an input message
! 	  </p>
!             <eg xml:space="preserve">&lt;data&gt;
!   &lt;town&gt;Fréjus&lt;/town&gt;
!   &lt;date&gt;2004-01-16&lt;/date&gt;
!   &lt;unit&gt;C&lt;/unit&gt;
!   &lt;value&gt;24&lt;/value&gt;
! &lt;/data&gt;</eg>
! 	    with the following <el>operation</el> element:
! 	  </p>
              <eg xml:space="preserve">&lt;operation ref='t:data'
--- 4037,4060 ----
  	      <head>Serialization in the message body</head>
! 	      <p>If the HTTP request method used, specified in the
! 	      <prop comp="Binding Operation">http method</prop> of
! 	      the Binding Operation component bound, does allow an
! 	      HTTP message body (e.g. <attval>POST</attval> and
! 	      <attval>PUT</attval>), then the following rules
! 	      apply.</p>
! 	      <p>Finally, the query string computed in <specref ref=
! 	      "_http_operation_location_query_constr"/> is used as the
! 	      value of the HTTP message body.</p>
! 	      <p>The <code>Content-Type</code> HTTP header field must
! 	      have the value
! 	      <code>application/x-www-form-urlencoded</code>.</p>
!           <example id="urlencoded_example_body">
!             <head>Instance data serialized in the HTTP Request IRI and message body</head>
! 	      The instance data defined in <specref ref="urlencoded_example_querystring"/> with the following <el>operation</el> declaration:
!           </p>
              <eg xml:space="preserve">&lt;operation ref='t:data'
*** 3966,3998 ****
      whttp:method='POST' /&gt;</eg>
! 	    and the following <el>endpoint</el> element
! 	  </p>
              <eg xml:space="preserve">&lt;endpoint name='e' binding='t:b'
      address='http://ws.example.com/service1/' /&gt;</eg>
! 	    will serialize the message in an IRI as follows:
! 	  </p>
!             <eg xml:space="preserve">http://ws.example.com/service1/temperature/Fréjus</eg>
!             <p>
! 	    which will be %-encoded as a URI as follows:
! 	  </p>
!             <eg xml:space="preserve">http://ws.example.com/service1/temperature/Fr%C3%A9jus</eg>
!             <p>
! 	      and in the message as follow:
! 	    </p>
!             <eg xml:space="preserve">Content-Type: application/xml
! Content-Length: xxx
! &lt;data&gt;
!   &lt;town&gt;Fréjus&lt;/town&gt;
!   &lt;date&gt;2004-01-16&lt;/date&gt;
!   &lt;unit&gt;C&lt;/unit&gt;
!   &lt;value&gt;24&lt;/value&gt;
! &lt;/data&gt;</eg>
          <div3 id="_http_operation_xml_encoding">
            <head>Serialization as <attval>application/xml</attval>
--- 4062,4083 ----
      whttp:method='POST' /&gt;</eg>
!             and the following <el>endpoint</el> declaration:
!           </p>
              <eg xml:space="preserve">&lt;endpoint name='e' binding='t:b'
      address='http://ws.example.com/service1/' /&gt;</eg>
!             will serialize the message in the HTTP request as follow:
!           </p>
!             <eg xml:space="preserve">POST http://ws.example.com/service1/temperature/Fr%C3%A9jus HTTP/1.1
! Host: ws.example.com
! Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
! Content-Length: &#x2026;
! date=2004-01-16&amp;unit=C</eg>
          <div3 id="_http_operation_xml_encoding">
            <head>Serialization as <attval>application/xml</attval>
*** 4001,4007 ****
  	  The <termref def="instance_data">instance data</termref> of
  	  the input, output or fault message is serialized as an XML document
! 	  in the message body of the HTTP request, following the
  	  serialization defined in <bibref ref="Canonical"/>.
  	  The <code>Content-Type</code> HTTP header MUST have the value
--- 4086,4100 ----
  	  The <termref def="instance_data">instance data</termref> of
  	  the input, output or fault message is serialized as an XML document
! 	  in the message body of the HTTP message, following the
  	  serialization defined in <bibref ref="Canonical"/>.
+ 	  Therefore, it is only suitable for HTTP requests using
+ 	  methods allowing message bodies (i.e., for the HTTP binding
+ 	  defined in this specification, input messages when the
+ 	  method specified in the <prop comp="Binding Operation">http
+ 	  method</prop> property of a Binding Operation component has
+ 	  a body), and for HTTP responses (i.e. output messages for
+ 	  the HTTP binding defined in this specification).
  	  The <code>Content-Type</code> HTTP header MUST have the value
*** 4018,4022 ****
  	  This format is for legacy compatibility to permit the use of
! 	  XForms clients with <bibref ref="RFC2388"/> servers.  This
  	  serialization format may only be used when binding
  	  <comp>Interface Operation</comp> whose <prop comp="Interface Operation">style</prop> property has a value of
--- 4111,4115 ----
  	  This format is for legacy compatibility to permit the use of
! 	  XForms clients with <bibref ref="RFC2388"/> servers. This 
  	  serialization format may only be used when binding
  	  <comp>Interface Operation</comp> whose <prop comp="Interface Operation">style</prop> property has a value of
*** 4035,4040 ****
  	    used as a value as a value for the <prop comp="Binding Operation">http output serialization</prop> or <prop
  	    comp="Binding Operation">http fault serialization</prop>
! 	    properties.
! 	  </p>
--- 4128,4135 ----
  	    used as a value as a value for the <prop comp="Binding Operation">http output serialization</prop> or <prop
  	    comp="Binding Operation">http fault serialization</prop>
! 	    properties. This format serializes the instance
! data entirely in the HTTP message body, making it only suitable for
! HTTP requests using methods, specified in the <prop comp="Binding Operation">http method</prop> property
! of a Binding Operation component, allowing message bodies.</p>
*** 4743,4747 ****
!     <inform-div1>
      	<head>Component Summary</head>
--- 4838,4842 ----
!     <inform-div1 id='component_summary'>
      	<head>Component Summary</head>
*** 6175,6286 ****
                <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">20020621</td>
                <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">JJM</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Simplified abstract and introduction.</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">20020621</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">JJM</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Obtain the list of WG members from a separate file.</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">20020621</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">JJM</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Updated stylesheet and DTDs to latest XMLP stylesheet and DTDs.</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">20020621</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">JJM</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Deleted placeholder for appendix C "Location of Extensibility Elements",
         since this is part 1 stuff and extensibility has been reworked anyway.</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">20020621</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">JJM</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Corrected link to issues lists</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">20020621</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">JJM</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Updated title from "WSDL" to "Web Services Description Language".
         Now refer to part 1 as "Web Services... Part 1: Framework</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">20020621</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">JJM</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Added Jeffrey as an editor :-). Removed Gudge (now on Part 2) :-(</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">20020411</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">JJM</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Fixed typos noticed by Kevin Liu</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">20020301</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">JJM</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Converted the "Schemas" sections</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">20020301</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">JJM</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Converted the "Wire WSDL examples" sections</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">20020301</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">JJM</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Converted the "Notes on URIs" sections</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">20020301</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">JJM</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Converted the "Notational Conventions" sections</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">20020301</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">JJM</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Converted the "References" sections</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">20020301</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">JJM</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Converted the "MIME Binding" section to XML</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">20020221</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">JJM</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Converted the "HTTP Binding" section to XML</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">20020221</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">JJM</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Added placeholders for the "Wire examples" and "Schema" sections</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">20020221</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">JJM</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Converted the "SOAP Binding" section to XML</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">20020221</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">JJM</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Added the Change Log</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">20020221</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">JJM</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Added the Status section</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">20020221</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">JJM</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Simplified the introduction; referred to Part1 for a longer introduction</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">20020221</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">JJM</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Renamed to "Part 2: Bindings"</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">20020221</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">JJM</td>
!               <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">Created from http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/NOTE-wsdl-20010315</td>
--- 6270,6381 ----
                <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">20020621</td>
                <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">JJM</td>
!               <td rowspan="1">Simplified abstract and introduction.</td>
!               <td rowspan="1">20020621</td>
!               <td rowspan="1">JJM</td>
!               <td rowspan="1">Obtain the list of WG members from a separate file.</td>
!               <td rowspan="1">20020621</td>
!               <td rowspan="1">JJM</td>
!               <td rowspan="1">Updated stylesheet and DTDs to latest XMLP stylesheet and DTDs.</td>
!               <td rowspan="1">20020621</td>
!               <td rowspan="1">JJM</td>
!               <td rowspan="1">Deleted placeholder for appendix C "Location of Extensibility Elements",
         since this is part 1 stuff and extensibility has been reworked anyway.</td>
!               <td rowspan="1">20020621</td>
!               <td rowspan="1">JJM</td>
!               <td rowspan="1">Corrected link to issues lists</td>
!               <td rowspan="1">20020621</td>
!               <td rowspan="1">JJM</td>
!               <td rowspan="1">Updated title from "WSDL" to "Web Services Description Language".
         Now refer to part 1 as "Web Services... Part 1: Framework</td>
!               <td rowspan="1">20020621</td>
!               <td rowspan="1">JJM</td>
!               <td rowspan="1">Added Jeffrey as an editor :-). Removed Gudge (now on Part 2) :-(</td>
!               <td rowspan="1">20020411</td>
!               <td rowspan="1">JJM</td>
!               <td rowspan="1">Fixed typos noticed by Kevin Liu</td>
!               <td rowspan="1">20020301</td>
!               <td rowspan="1">JJM</td>
!               <td rowspan="1">Converted the "Schemas" sections</td>
!               <td rowspan="1">20020301</td>
!               <td rowspan="1">JJM</td>
!               <td rowspan="1">Converted the "Wire WSDL examples" sections</td>
!               <td rowspan="1">20020301</td>
!               <td rowspan="1">JJM</td>
!               <td rowspan="1">Converted the "Notes on URIs" sections</td>
!               <td rowspan="1">20020301</td>
!               <td rowspan="1">JJM</td>
!               <td rowspan="1">Converted the "Notational Conventions" sections</td>
!               <td rowspan="1">20020301</td>
!               <td rowspan="1">JJM</td>
!               <td rowspan="1">Converted the "References" sections</td>
!               <td rowspan="1">20020301</td>
!               <td rowspan="1">JJM</td>
!               <td rowspan="1">Converted the "MIME Binding" section to XML</td>
!               <td rowspan="1">20020221</td>
!               <td rowspan="1">JJM</td>
!               <td rowspan="1">Converted the "HTTP Binding" section to XML</td>
!               <td rowspan="1">20020221</td>
!               <td rowspan="1">JJM</td>
!               <td rowspan="1">Added placeholders for the "Wire examples" and "Schema" sections</td>
!               <td rowspan="1">20020221</td>
!               <td rowspan="1">JJM</td>
!               <td rowspan="1">Converted the "SOAP Binding" section to XML</td>
!               <td rowspan="1">20020221</td>
!               <td rowspan="1">JJM</td>
!               <td rowspan="1">Added the Change Log</td>
!               <td rowspan="1">20020221</td>
!               <td rowspan="1">JJM</td>
!               <td rowspan="1">Added the Status section</td>
!               <td rowspan="1">20020221</td>
!               <td rowspan="1">JJM</td>
!               <td rowspan="1">Simplified the introduction; referred to Part1 for a longer introduction</td>
!               <td rowspan="1">20020221</td>
!               <td rowspan="1">JJM</td>
!               <td rowspan="1">Renamed to "Part 2: Bindings"</td>
!               <td rowspan="1">20020221</td>
!               <td rowspan="1">JJM</td>
!               <td rowspan="1">Created from http://www.w3.org/TR/2001/NOTE-wsdl-20010315</td>

Received on Thursday, 29 September 2005 18:12:48 UTC