2002/ws/desc/wsdl20 Makefile.base,1.82,1.83

Update of /sources/public/2002/ws/desc/wsdl20
In directory homer:/tmp/cvs-serv4558

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Added schema validation

Index: Makefile.base
RCS file: /sources/public/2002/ws/desc/wsdl20/Makefile.base,v
retrieving revision 1.82
retrieving revision 1.83
diff -C2 -d -r1.82 -r1.83
*** Makefile.base	8 Aug 2005 08:51:33 -0000	1.82
--- Makefile.base	21 Oct 2005 13:46:05 -0000	1.83
*** 26,29 ****
--- 26,30 ----
  HTML2TEXT=w3m -dump
  VALIDATE=xmllint --noout --valid
+ VALIDATESCHEMA=$(TOOLS)/validate-schema.sh
  PUBRULESCHECK=$(XSLTPROC) --stringparam doc_uri http://www.w3.org/TR/$(YEAR)/$(DOCNAME) $(TOOLS)/pubrules-checker.xml
*** 204,211 ****
  schemas: $(SCHEMAS)
  	@if [ -n "$(SCHEMAS)" ] ;\
! 	then for i in $(SCHEMAS) ;\
! 	do echo "Generating $$i...";\
  	 $(XSLTPROC) $(TOOLS)/identity.xsl $$i > $(PUBDIR)/$$i;\
! 	done ; fi
  install-ds: schemas
--- 205,217 ----
  schemas: $(SCHEMAS)
  	@if [ -n "$(SCHEMAS)" ] ;\
! 	then\
! 	for i in $(SCHEMAS) ;\
! 	do echo "Generating and validating $$i...";\
  	 $(XSLTPROC) $(TOOLS)/identity.xsl $$i > $(PUBDIR)/$$i;\
!          $(VALIDATESCHEMA) $(PUBDIR)/$$i >> ./valid-schemas.txt;\
! 	cd ../wsdl20;\
! 	done ;\
! 	cat valid-schemas.txt;\
! 	fi
  install-ds: schemas
*** 244,248 ****
! 	rm -f *~* html2ps.dbg ./valid-html.txt ./valid-xml.txt ./checkspell.txt ./valid-links.txt ./valid-pubrules.html ./valid-types.txt ./valid-ns.html ./tidy-output.txt $(WSDL20.html) $(WSDL20-z.html) diff.html $(WSDL20.pdf) $(WSDL20.ps) $(WSDL20.txt) $(WSDL20.tex) $(PREFIX).log $(COMPONENTS) wsdl20-defs.xml
  ifdef HASZ
  	rm -f $(WSDL20-z.html) $(WSDL20-z.pdf) $(WSDL20-z.tex)
--- 250,254 ----
! 	rm -f *~* html2ps.dbg ./valid-html.txt ./valid-xml.txt ./checkspell.txt ./valid-links.txt ./valid-pubrules.html ./valid-types.txt ./valid-ns.html valid-schemas.txt ./tidy-output.txt $(WSDL20.html) $(WSDL20-z.html) diff.html $(WSDL20.pdf) $(WSDL20.ps) $(WSDL20.txt) $(WSDL20.tex) $(PREFIX).log $(COMPONENTS) wsdl20-defs.xml
  ifdef HASZ
  	rm -f $(WSDL20-z.html) $(WSDL20-z.pdf) $(WSDL20-z.tex)

Received on Friday, 21 October 2005 13:46:26 UTC