2002/ws/desc/wsdl20 wsdl20-patterns.xml,1.10,1.11

Update of /sources/public/2002/ws/desc/wsdl20
In directory hutz:/tmp/cvs-serv24734

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Issues 231, 232, 234, 112, 230, 233

Index: wsdl20-patterns.xml
RCS file: /sources/public/2002/ws/desc/wsdl20/wsdl20-patterns.xml,v
retrieving revision 1.10
retrieving revision 1.11
diff -C2 -d -r1.10 -r1.11
*** wsdl20-patterns.xml	10 Jun 2004 15:41:18 -0000	1.10
--- wsdl20-patterns.xml	13 Jul 2004 18:04:06 -0000	1.11
*** 13,17 ****
    <title>Web Services Description Language (WSDL) Version 2.0 Part 2:
!   Message Exchange Patterns</title>
--- 13,17 ----
    <title>Web Services Description Language (WSDL) Version 2.0 Part 2:
!   Predefined Extensions</title>
*** 68,87 ****
  <div1 id="intro">
! Web Services Description Language (WSDL) message exchange patterns define the
! sequence and cardinality of abstract messages listed in an operation.
! Message exchange patterns also define which other nodes send messages to, and
! receive messages from, the service implementing the operation.
! <p>The message exchange patterns defined in this document are similar to, but
! not identical to, the message exchange patterns defined in the SOAP 1.2
! specification.  In particular, the message exchange patterns defined here
! are more abstract, and are defined independently of particular bindings.
  By design, WSDL message exchange patterns abstract out specific message types.
--- 68,111 ----
+ <!-- Editor cheat sheet
+ <p diff="add" >
+ This is marked @diff='add'
+ </p>
+ <p diff="chg" >
+ This is marked @diff='chg'
+ </p>
+ <p diff="del" >
+ This is marked @diff='del'
+ </p>
+ -->
  <div1 id="intro">
! Web Services Description Language provides a number of opportunities to
! extend the syntax and component model, as mandated by the needs of an
! application.  This document defines and describes a number of these
! extensions, particularly message exchange patterns and features.
! </div1>
! <div1 id="meps">
! <head>Predefined Message Exchange Patterns</head>
! <p>
! Web Services Description Language (WSDL) message exchange patterns (hereafter simply
! 'patterns') define the sequence and cardinality of abstract messages listed in 
! an operation.  Message exchange patterns also define which other nodes send 
! messages to, and receive messages from, the service implementing the operation.
! WSDL message exchange patterns describe the interaction at the abstract 
! (interface) level, which may be distinct from the pattern used by the 
! underlying protocol binding (e.g. SOAP Message Exchange Patterns).
+ <div2 id="mep-intro">
+ <head>Introduction</head>
  By design, WSDL message exchange patterns abstract out specific message types.
*** 114,134 ****
- <!-- Editor cheat sheet
- <p diff="add" >
- This is marked @diff='add'
- </p>
- <p diff="chg" >
- This is marked @diff='chg'
- </p>
- <p diff="del" >
- This is marked @diff='del'
- </p>
- -->
  <p>This specification defines several message exchange patterns for
  use with <emph>WSDL Version 2.0 Part 1: Core Language</emph> <bibref
  ref='WSDL-PART1' />.</p>
! <div2 id="notation">
  <head>Notational Conventions</head>
--- 138,146 ----
  <p>This specification defines several message exchange patterns for
  use with <emph>WSDL Version 2.0 Part 1: Core Language</emph> <bibref
  ref='WSDL-PART1' />.</p>
! <div3 id="notation">
  <head>Notational Conventions</head>
*** 137,150 ****
     this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119
     <bibref ref="RFC2119"/>.</p>
! </div2>
! </div1>
! <div1 id="fault-rules">
! <head>Fault Generation Rules</head>
! <p>WSDL patterns specify their fault generation model using standard
! rulesets to indicate where faults may occur.  The two most common patterns
! for fault generation are defined here, and referenced by patterns later in
  the document.</p>
--- 149,162 ----
     this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119
     <bibref ref="RFC2119"/>.</p>
! </div3>
! </div2>
! <div2 id="fault-rules">
! <head>Fault Propagation Rules</head>
! <p>WSDL patterns specify their fault propagation model using standard
! rulesets to indicate where faults may occur.  The most common patterns
! for fault propagation are defined here, and referenced by patterns later in
  the document.</p>
*** 152,156 ****
! <div2 id="fault-replacement">
  <head>Fault Replaces Message</head>
--- 164,168 ----
! <div3 id="fault-replacement">
  <head>Fault Replaces Message</head>
*** 158,202 ****
  message, which MUST have identical cardinality and direction.  The fault
  message MUST be delivered to the same target node as the message it
! replaces.</p>
! </div2>
! <div2 id="fault-trigger">
  <head>Message Triggers Fault</head>
  <p>Any message, including the first, MAY trigger a fault message in
! response.  Each recipient MAY generate a fault message, and MUST generate no
! more than one fault for each triggering message.  Each fault message has direction the reverse of its triggering
! message.  The fault message MUST be delivered to the originator of the
! message which triggered it.  If there is no path to this node, the fault
! MUST be discarded.</p>
! </div2>
! <div2 id="no-fault">
  <head>No Faults</head>
! <p>No faults may be generated.</p>
! <ednote id="no-fault-ruleset">
!   <name>Introduction of No Faults ruleset</name>
!   <date>12 June 2003</date>
!   <edtext>The No Faults ruleset has been introduced primarily to clarify the
! confusion otherwise introduced by applying the Fault Replaces Message
! ruleset to single-message patterns (which implicitly disallows faults). 
! Some concern has been expressed that a no-fault ruleset could easily be
! abused.</edtext>
! </ednote>
! </div1>
! <div1 id="patterns">
  <head>Message Exchange Patterns</head>
  <p>WSDL patterns are described in terms of the WSDL component model,
! specifically the Label and Fault Reference components. </p>
! <div2 id="in-only">
--- 170,206 ----
  message, which MUST have identical cardinality and direction.  The fault
  message MUST be delivered to the same target node as the message it
! replaces.  If there is no path to this node, the fault MUST be discarded.
! </p>
! </div3>
! <div3 id="fault-trigger">
  <head>Message Triggers Fault</head>
  <p>Any message, including the first, MAY trigger a fault message in
! response.  Each recipient MAY propagate a fault message, and MUST propagate no
! more than one fault for each triggering message.  Each fault message has 
! direction the reverse of its triggering message.  The fault message MUST 
! be delivered to the originator of the message which triggered it.  If there 
! is no path to this node, the fault MUST be discarded.
! </p>
! </div3>
! <div3 id="no-fault">
  <head>No Faults</head>
! <p>No faults may be propagated.</p>
! </div3>
! <div2 id="patterns">
  <head>Message Exchange Patterns</head>
  <p>WSDL patterns are described in terms of the WSDL component model,
! specifically the Message Label and Fault Reference components. </p>
! <div3 id="in-only">
*** 211,215 ****
! indicated by a Label component whose {label} is 'In' and
  {direction} is 'in'
--- 215,219 ----
! indicated by a Message Label component whose {message label} is 'In' and
  {direction} is 'in'
*** 229,242 ****
  the value '&wsdl-ns;/in-only'.
! </div2>
! <div2 id="robust-in-only">
  <head>Robust In-Only</head>
  <p>This pattern consists of exactly one message as follows:</p>
!   <item><p>message:</p>
!       <item><p>indicated by a Label component whose
! {label} is 'In' and {direction} is 'in'</p></item>
        <item><p>received from some node N</p></item>
--- 233,246 ----
  the value '&wsdl-ns;/in-only'.
! </div3>
! <div3 id="robust-in-only">
  <head>Robust In-Only</head>
  <p>This pattern consists of exactly one message as follows:</p>
!   <item><p>A message:</p>
!       <item><p>indicated by a Message Label component whose
! {message label} is 'In' and {direction} is 'in'</p></item>
        <item><p>received from some node N</p></item>
*** 246,252 ****
  <p>An operation using this message exchange pattern has a {pattern} property with
  the value '&wsdl-ns;/robust-in-only'.</p>
! </div2>
! <div2 id="in-out">
  <p>This pattern consists of exactly two messages, in order, as follows:</p>
--- 250,256 ----
  <p>An operation using this message exchange pattern has a {pattern} property with
  the value '&wsdl-ns;/robust-in-only'.</p>
! </div3>
! <div3 id="in-out">
  <p>This pattern consists of exactly two messages, in order, as follows:</p>
*** 259,263 ****
! indicated by a Label component whose {label} is 'In' and {direction}
  is 'in'
--- 263,267 ----
! indicated by a Message Label component whose {message label} is 'In' and {direction}
  is 'in'
*** 277,281 ****
! indicated by a Label component whose {label} is 'Out' and {direction}
  is 'out'
--- 281,285 ----
! indicated by a Message Label component whose {message label} is 'Out' and {direction}
  is 'out'
*** 294,300 ****
  the value '&wsdl-ns;/in-out'.
! </div2>
! <div2 id="in-opt-out">
  <p>This pattern consists of one or two messages, in order, as
--- 298,304 ----
  the value '&wsdl-ns;/in-out'.
! </div3>
! <div3 id="in-opt-out">
  <p>This pattern consists of one or two messages, in order, as
*** 303,308 ****
    <item><p>A message:</p>
!       <item><p>indicated by a Label component whose
! {label}  is 'In' and {direction} is 'in'</p></item>
        <item><p>received from some node N</p></item>
--- 307,312 ----
    <item><p>A message:</p>
!       <item><p>indicated by a Message Label component whose
! {message label} is 'In' and {direction} is 'in'</p></item>
        <item><p>received from some node N</p></item>
*** 310,315 ****
    <item><p>An optional message:</p>
!       <item><p>indicated by a Label component whose
! {label} is 'Out' and {direction} is 'out'</p></item>
        <item><p>sent to node N</p></item>
--- 314,319 ----
    <item><p>An optional message:</p>
!       <item><p>indicated by a Message Label component whose
! {message label} is 'Out' and {direction} is 'out'</p></item>
        <item><p>sent to node N</p></item>
*** 319,325 ****
  <p>An operation using this message exchange pattern has a {pattern} property
  with the value '&wsdl-ns;/in-opt-out'.</p>
! </div2>
! <div2 id="out-only">
  <p>This pattern consists of exactly one message as follows:</p>
--- 323,329 ----
  <p>An operation using this message exchange pattern has a {pattern} property
  with the value '&wsdl-ns;/in-opt-out'.</p>
! </div3>
! <div3 id="out-only">
  <p>This pattern consists of exactly one message as follows:</p>
*** 332,336 ****
! indicated by a Label component whose {label} is 'Out' and {direction}
  is 'out'
--- 336,340 ----
! indicated by a Message Label component whose {message label} is 'Out' and {direction}
  is 'out'
*** 349,355 ****
  the value '&wsdl-ns;/out-only'.
! </div2>
! <div2 id="robust-out-only">
  <head>Robust Out-Only</head>
  <p>This pattern consists of exactly one message as follows:</p>
--- 353,359 ----
  the value '&wsdl-ns;/out-only'.
! </div3>
! <div3 id="robust-out-only">
  <head>Robust Out-Only</head>
  <p>This pattern consists of exactly one message as follows:</p>
*** 357,362 ****
!       <item><p>indicated by a Label component whose
! {label} is 'Out' and {direction} is 'out'</p></item>
        <item><p>sent to some node N</p></item>
--- 361,366 ----
!       <item><p>indicated by a Message Label component whose
! {message label} is 'Out' and {direction} is 'out'</p></item>
        <item><p>sent to some node N</p></item>
*** 366,372 ****
  <p>An operation using this message exchange pattern has a {pattern} property with
  the value '&wsdl-ns;/robust-out-only'.</p>
! </div2>
! <div2 id="out-in">
  <p>This pattern consists of exactly two messages, in order, as follows:</p>
--- 370,376 ----
  <p>An operation using this message exchange pattern has a {pattern} property with
  the value '&wsdl-ns;/robust-out-only'.</p>
! </div3>
! <div3 id="out-in">
  <p>This pattern consists of exactly two messages, in order, as follows:</p>
*** 379,384 ****
! indicated by a Label component whose {label} is 'Out' and {direction}
!  is 'out'
--- 383,388 ----
! indicated by a Message Label component whose {message label} is 'Out' and {direction}
! is 'out'
*** 397,401 ****
! indicated by a Label component whose {label} is 'In' and {direction}
  is 'in'
--- 401,405 ----
! indicated by a Message Label component whose {message label} is 'In' and {direction}
  is 'in'
*** 414,420 ****
  the value '&wsdl-ns;/out-in'.
! </div2>
! <div2 id="out-opt-in">
  <p>This pattern consists of one or two messages, in order, as
--- 418,424 ----
  the value '&wsdl-ns;/out-in'.
! </div3>
! <div3 id="out-opt-in">
  <p>This pattern consists of one or two messages, in order, as
*** 423,428 ****
    <item><p>A message:</p>
!       <item><p>indicated by a Label component whose
! {label}  is 'Out' and {direction}  is 'out'</p></item>
        <item><p>sent to some node N</p></item>
--- 427,432 ----
    <item><p>A message:</p>
!       <item><p>indicated by a Message Label component whose
! {message label}  is 'Out' and {direction}  is 'out'</p></item>
        <item><p>sent to some node N</p></item>
*** 430,435 ****
    <item><p>An optional message:</p>
!       <item><p>indicated by a Label component whose
! {label} is 'In' and {direction} is 'in'</p></item>
        <item><p>sent from node N</p></item>
--- 434,439 ----
    <item><p>An optional message:</p>
!       <item><p>indicated by a MessageLabel component whose
! {message label} is 'In' and {direction} is 'in'</p></item>
        <item><p>sent from node N</p></item>
*** 439,445 ****
  <p>An operation using this message exchange pattern has a {pattern} property with
  the value '&wsdl-ns;/out-opt-in'.</p>
! </div1>
  <div1 id='References'>
--- 443,641 ----
  <p>An operation using this message exchange pattern has a {pattern} property with
  the value '&wsdl-ns;/out-opt-in'.</p>
+ </div3>
+ </div2><!-- message exchange patterns -->
+ </div1><!-- section on meps -->
+ <div1 id="features">
+ <head>Predefined Features</head>
+ <p>
+ Web Services Description Language (WSDL) features (hereafter 
+ 'features') define properties or behaviors in the scope of a particular
+ message exchange.  Scoping rules are outlined in [REFERENCE].  A property
+ exposed by a feature is visible to all participants in an exchange.  Bindings
+ may have particular preferences for how this information is communicated:
+ WSDL features correspond closely with (but are not identical to) SOAP 1.2
+ features, as implemented in modules.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Features may change the behavior described for other components.  In particular,
+ note that a feature (or any other extension) may change the semantics of a message
+ exchange pattern in some fashion, such as nominating an address for the delivery
+ of faults, etc.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ The Web Services Description Working Group provides the following descriptions
+ as models of feature descriptions for WSDL, and encourages implementors to support
+ these features.
+ </p>
+ <div2 id="app-data">
+ <head>Application Data Feature</head>
+ <div3 id="adf-name">
+ <head>Name</head>
+ <p>
+ This feature is identified with the URI
+ http://www.w3.org/@@@@/@@/features/AD
+ </p>
+ </div3>
+ <div3 id="adf-operation">
+ <head>Operation</head>
+ <p>
+ This feature exists in order to enable the description of
+ application-defined additional data declarations outside of the normal
+ data channel (e.g. the SOAP body). The senders takes the value of the
+ property http://www.w3.org/@@@@/@@/features/AD/data, which is defined
+ below, and passes it to the receiver in a manner to be defined by the
+ particular bindings/modules implementing this specification.
+ </p>
+ </div3>
+ <div3 id="adf-data-prop">
+ <head>AD/data Property</head>
+ <p>
+ This property is identified with the URI
+ http://www.w3.org/@@@@/@@/features/AD/data.
+ </p>
+ <div4 id="adf-dp-desc">
+ <head>Description</head>
+ <p>
+ The data property consists of a sequence of elements, each of which
+ represents an individual piece of application data.  Implementations of
+ this feature must ensure that the runtime value of this property is
+ correctly transferred from the sender to the receiver.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Here is an example of using the data property in a WSDL:
+ </p>
+ <eg xml:space="preserve">
+ <![CDATA[
+ <types>
+  <schema targetNamespace="http://foo"
+          xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
+          xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
+   <import namespace="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope"/>
+   <!-- Define the data type we'll use later -->
+   <complexType name="myDataType">
+    <sequence>
+     <!-- These elements are our data -->
+     <element name="isGoldClubMember">
+      <complexType>
+       <simpleContent>
+        <extension base="xs:boolean"/>
+        <attribute xmlns:soap="http://www.w3.org/2003/05/soap-envelope"
+                   ref="soap:mustUnderstand"
+                   fixed="true"/>
+       </simpleContent>
+      </complexType>
+     </element>
+     <element name="promotionalCode"
+              type="xs:string"
+              minOccurs="0"/>
+    </sequence>
+   </complexType>
+  </schema>
+ </types>
+ <interface name="customerService">
+  <operation name="reserveCar">
+   <input element="myNS:reserveCarRequest">
+    <property uri="http://www.w3.org/@@@@/@@/features/AD/data">
+     <constraint xmlns:foo="http://foo">
+      foo:myDataType
+     </constraint>
+    </property>
+   </input>
+  </operation>
+ </interface>
+ ]]>
+ </eg>
+ <p>
+ This example defines two pieces of application data, and associates them
+ with the input message of the "reserveCar" operation.  Notice that the
+ "promotionalCode" element is optional (minOccurs="0"), and that the
+ "isGoldClubMember" element has fixed the value of the SOAP 1.2
+ "mustUnderstand" element to "true".
+ </p>
+ </div4>
+ </div3>
+ <div3 id="adf-module">
+ <head>Application Data Module</head>
+ <p>
+ This module is identified with the URI
+ http://www.w3.org/@@@@/@@/modules/AD
+ </p>
+ <div4 id="adf-mod-impl">
+ <head>Features Implemented</head>
+ <p>
+ This module implements the feature
+ http://www.w3.org/@@@@/@@/features/AD.
+ </p>
+ </div4>
+ <div4 id="adf-mod-op">
+ <head>Operation</head>
+ <p>
+ This module specifies how to transmit "out of band" application data, as
+ defined in the Application Data feature, as SOAP headers.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ As a SOAP sender, if the property
+ http://www.w3.org/@@@@/@@/features/AD/data has a value then each of the
+ top-level child element information items in the value SHOULD [ed:
+ MUST?] be turned into a SOAP header.  The elements are serialized
+ according to their schemas, which might include the SOAP
+ "mustUnderstand" or "role" attributes, which will have the usual meaning
+ in the resultant headers.  SOAP senders SHOULD also add an additional
+ header, with namespace "http://www.w3.org/@@@@/@@/modules/AD" and local
+ name "dataHeaders" - this header contains a list of element QNames, one
+ for each application data header created in the first step.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ It is the responsibility of the receiving node to determine which, if
+ any, SOAP headers will populate the
+ http://www.w3.org/@@@@/@@/features/AD/data property.  Typically this
+ will be accomplished via using some metadata, such as an understanding
+ of a constraint specified in WSDL, or out-of-band agreements.  If the
+ "dataHeaders" SOAP header (described above) is present, the QNames
+ inside that header indicate which other headers are application data.
+ The contents of each SOAP header identified as application data will be
+ placed in a child element of the data property [ed: should we define a
+ particular "wrapper" element here as the top level one?].
+ </p>
+ </div4>
+ </div3>
! </div1> <!-- features -->
  <div1 id='References'>
*** 523,526 ****
--- 719,755 ----
+            <td>20040713</td>
+            <td>aal</td>
+            <td>address issues 233 &amp; 112 all at once, by increasing level 
+            of all divs, adding new intro
+            div, adding new div to contain features, renaming spec.  Lotsa
+            changes, what fun.</td>
+         </tr>
+         <tr>
+            <td>20040713</td>
+            <td>aal</td>
+            <td>s/Label/Message Label/g and s/{label}/{message label}/g.
+            issue 230.</td>
+         </tr>
+         <tr>
+            <td>20040713</td>
+            <td>aal</td>
+            <td>replace "fault generation" with "fault propagation" (in almost
+            all cases; one case of "generate" remains to indicate that it ends
+            an exchange).  issue 234.</td>
+         </tr>
+         <tr>
+            <td>20040713</td>
+            <td>aal</td>
+            <td>add language to introduction describing relationship between
+                these MEPs and the MEPs defined by SOAP 1.2 (issue 232).  This
+                replaces the language found two items down (issue 191).</td>
+         </tr>
+         <tr>
+            <td>20040713</td>
+            <td>aal</td>
+            <td>add (hereafter, simply 'patterns') to intro (issue 231).</td>
+         </tr>
+         <tr>

Received on Tuesday, 13 July 2004 14:04:09 UTC