Minutes W3C Choreogargphy WG Con Call 18th Apr2006 ================================================= logging to http://www.w3.org/2006/04/18-ws-chor-irc Agenda: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-chor/2006Apr/att-0009/Agenda20060411-0.txt 1. Roll Call Charlton, Gary, Monica, Yves, Abbie, Steve Apologies Martin 2. Scribe: Steve 3. Agenda change: Add to agenda under AOB http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-chor-comments/2006Apr/0011.html 4. Minutes of last meeting: 4th April 2006 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-ws-chor/2006Apr/att-0001/minutes0404-0.txt MINUTES PASSED 5. Action item review 1. ACTION: Provide examples in primer for issue 1503 of how to use lists/arrays - bounded and unbounded IN PROGRESS 2. ACTION: Add text in primer to explain interaction lifecycle, and that exchanges are only guaranteed if align=true. IN PROGRESS 3. ACTION: SRT Describe Connectedness/Strong Connectedness design patterns in CDL IN PROGRESS 4. ACTION: Redraft Sections 1, Sections 2, and part of Section 3 for a more natural flow in the text UNDER REVIEW/DONE 5. ACTION: MC to add gary's issues from his slides into bugzilla IN PROGRESS 6. NEW ACTION: SRT To setup meeting with Howard Foster about 2nd impl DONE Scheduled for 26th April Meeting with Howard Foster 6. Primer status SRT: Lots of work on primer has been done. Gary has comments under review in this call. GB: Referred to: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-chor/2006Apr/0018.html Examples outer Workunit should be: On next workunit, should be: SRT: Does this mean: while barteringDone=false do choice { sequence{quote accept and set barteringDone=true} sequence{reject quote} when durationHasPassed(30 secs) { } } done SRT: Stick with Gary's psuedo code. Yves: Suggests moving to working note as soon as possible. Steve: How long and what does it take? Yves: One or two weeks. Gary: What about english and other mistakes. SRT: Plan is to move to working note and authorise this from the WG 2nd May charlton: I'll go through a review of the latest before the move 7. Examples repository Charlton: 25 out of 40 are completed. These will be stored in the repository and will then published formally when completed. Charlton: Working on various stuff. 8. Formal semantics status SRT: On track for 2 week time. It's a big one. 9. Implementations status Meeting with Imperial on the 26th (see actions above) 10. Talks and papers SRT: Charltons talk at WWW2006, Thursday May 25th 14:00 WWW2006: http://www2006.org/programme/#thu and details are at: http://www2006.org/tutorials/#T08 Charlton: My talk at the Tech Plenary: http://www.w3.org/2006/03/01-Barreto.pdf 11. AOB http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-chor-comments/2006Apr/0011.html Exception handling for the actions in a finalizerBlock NEW ACTION: SRT to send Nick a request to comment on: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-chor-comments/2006Apr/0011.html ADJOURNED SUMMARY OF OUTSTANDING ACTIONS ------------------------------ 1. ACTION: Provide examples in primer for issue 1503 of how to use lists/arrays - bounded and unbounded IN PROGRESS 2. ACTION: Add text in primer to explain interaction lifecycle, and that exchanges are only guaranteed if align=true. IN PROGRESS 3. ACTION: SRT Describe Connectedness/Strong Connectedness design patterns in CDL IN PROGRESS 4. ACTION: MC to add gary's issues from his slides into bugzilla IN PROGRESS 5. [NEW] ACTION: SRT to send Nick a request to comment on: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-chor-comments/2006Apr/0011.html