W3C WS Choreography WG conference call Agenda 18th October 2:30pm-3:30pm Eastern / 18:30-19:30 UTC/19:30 UK 1. Role Call ------------ Apologies: 2. Confirm scribe ----------------- 3. Agenda Changes ----------------- 4. Minutes of last meeting --------------------------- 27th September 2005 http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-ws-chor/2005Sep/att-0078/minutes_20050927_-_0.txt 5. Action item review --------------------- 1. ACTION: for the group to review on the latest CDL editors draft 2. NEW ACTION: SRT will send urls to all docs to WG 3. NEW ACTION: Editors to make change for first proposal as per proposal in http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-ws-chor/2005Sep/0015.html 4. NEW ACTION: Editors to make change for Yves proposal as above 5. NEW ACTION: Nick to ask Martin on F2F and Oracle in London 6. NEW ACTION: SRT to check Brighton as venue 1. ACTION: SRT to check Brighton as venue 2. NEW ACTION: Editors to update status section to change date to 31st Dec 05 3. NEW ACTION: Editors to update 2nd para of 1.5 as agreed 27/9 4. NEW ACTION: Editors to update 5.5 to as agreed 27/9 5. NEW ACTION: Editors to update 6.2.3, as agreed 27/9 6. NEW ACTION: Editors to update 6.7, to chang the first two perfoms as agreed 27/9 7. NEW ACTION: Editors to update section 2, activitiy and ordering bullet points, as agreed 27/9 8. NEW ACTION: Editors to update 2nd para of 1.5 as agreed 27/9 9. NEW ACTION: Editors: In 4.3 the first paragraph is in italic, change to normal font. 10. NEW ACTION: Editors to change 4.3 as agreed 27/9 11. NEW ACTION: Editors lowercase the SHOULD in 3.2 as agreed 27/9. 12. NEW ACTION: add new issue to discuss mutual commitement in the Primer. 13. NEW ACTION: Editors to update the snapshot to use the must/must not wording for relinquishing control from 18th aug 14. NEW ACTION: Editors: In 4.4, insert bullets in front of once, distrinct, shared 15. NEW ACTION: Editors to update 4.4 as agreed 27/9. 16. NEW ACTION: Editors to update 4.4 to add MUST to passing attribute, as agreed 27/9. 17. NEW ACTION: Editors to update 5.2 to add MUST NOT to mutable attribute, as agreed 27/9. 18. NEW ACTION: Editors to update 5.4 to remove "with" from end of sentence. 6. Candidate Recommendation ---------------------------- http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Member/member-ws-chor/2005Oct/0002.html 7. Primer triarge ----------------- ID Sev Pri Plt Assignee Status Resolution Summary 566 nor P2 Oth gritzinger@novell.com ASSI Section 3.6 - Work Unit 663 nor P2 Oth gritzinger@novell.com ASSI The specification should contain the basic underlying mod... 664 nor P2 Oth gritzinger@novell.com ASSI Add UML diagram to primer along with textual description 741 nor P2 Oth martin.chapman@oracle.com ASSI Semantics examples needed 743 nor P2 Oth gritzinger@novell.com ASSI Examples in the CDL specification and the Primer 1455 nor P2 Mac steve@pi4tech.com NEW Interaction Syntax - successul-sending and properly-recei... 1456 nor P2 Mac steve@pi4tech.com NEW Accessing and modifying members of lists and arrays 1457 nor P2 Mac steve@pi4tech.com NEW Question on constraint - Section 2.3.4, 2nd last paragrap... 1503 nor P2 PC steve@pi4tech.com NEW Accessing and modifying members of lists and arrays 8. Next F2F ----------- 9. AOB ----------