My take on the priorities for the last call techical issues

967 Ambiguity in the spec - medium (2)

968 CDL MIME Type - low (3) - not sure if required, but could add for completeness - does BPEL have one?

971 Break up section 2 - low (3) - really this is editorial, no technical discussion required

973 Extension Wording - low (3) - an example would be useful

996 CDL Last Call comment - Choice of response message in WSDL - low (3) - as WSDL currently only supports one output message

998 State that sequential lexically ordering is the default f... - low (3) - ordering is explicitly defined in all grouping constructs, so not sure if there is a default

999 Short Circuit Evaluation - high (1) - needs to be clarified one way or the other - but complicated by the blocking semantics

1000 CDL 'ROLE' FUNCTIONS - low (3)

1001 CORRELATION OF CHANNEL INSTANCES - high (1) - otherwise no mechanism to bind channel instances to session

1002 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN RELATIONSHIP TYPES - low (3) - not sure if an issue, but need enlightenment

1003 RELINGUISHING CONTROL OF PASSED OUTPUT CHANNELS - high (1) - to make most out of channel passing

1004 WORKUNIT GUARD CONDITION SEMANTICS - high (1) - although may be resolved as part of 1100

1005 WORKUNIT REPETITION - duplicate of 1100, so this can be closed

1006 RECORD REFERENCE (in Interaction) RESTRICTION - low (3)

1007 CHOICE WITH MIXTURE OF BLOCKING AND NON-BLOCKING ELEMENTS - high (1) - depending on which rules are applied, the evaluation order can be very different

1008 FAULT HANDLING - high (1) - important part of CDL

1018 Information model - Section 2.3.2, 2nd last paragraph - low (3)

1023 Question on constraint - Section 2.3.3, 3rd paragraph, la... - low (3) - roleType needs to be scoped to participantType for model checking purposes

1026 Information model - Section 2.3.4, 3rd last paragraph, la... - low (3) - identity mechanism subject to change in issue 1001

1027 Question on constraint - Section 2.3.4, 2nd last paragrap... - low (3) - this constraint will be redundant due to issue 1001

1039 Section 8 is Incomplete - high (1) - conformance section

1055 The purpose of the createNewID function does not seem clear - low (3)

1074 Language Extensibility and Binding - suggested change to ... - low (3) - linked to issue 973

1075 Channel Types - attribute "usage" should be made an Element - low (3) - would require more information/example related to more elaborate mechanism

1079 Interaction Syntax - successul-sending and properly-recei... - medium (2) - how does this relate to alignment?

1099 Specify that the evaluation of the guard expression is do... - high (1) - related to 999, but indicates importance of clarity, to avoid dealocks

1100 Decompose workunit construct into "loop", "conditional" a... - high (1) - clarity is important

1108 Isolated sub-choreography terminates unsuccessfully (need... - high (1)

1110 When a copy expression references a variable that has not... - high (1)

1126 usage of 'time' within CDL - high (1) - also relates to clarity and consistency

Last Call Document - Outstanding Issues

1) Dealing with lists/arrays in XPath - high (1) - real issue is how to have an arbitrary number of concurrent activities

2) Choreography inheritance - medium (2) - awaiting proposal to understand implications 


Low = 15

Medium = 3

High = 13

Duplicate = 1

Received on Tuesday, 22 February 2005 11:28:58 UTC