RE: WSDL example as per F2F action item

The pattern suggested here would seem reasonable, but we really need to
find some alternatives to "from" and "to" as  attribute names for
participate, as I think was said in one of the earlier discussions.  The
problem is most of the alternative word-pairs have other connotations
that aren't helpful.  Some possible pairs:

a) from - to
b) client - server
c) user - interface
d) initiator - responder
e) user - service

Since the operation and its especially the direction of its actions are
explictily references to an interface definition, I lean to c), making
obvious the sense that "this interaction is defined from a perspective
where <rolea> provides the interface, and the other side is <roleb>"


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steve Ross-Talbot [] 
> Sent: 10 October 2004 20:56
> To: WS-Choreography List
> Cc: Martin Chapman
> Subject: WSDL example as per F2F action item
> Please can we schedule time on the next call to discuss (from Gary).
> Cheers
> Steve T

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Received on Monday, 11 October 2004 10:13:55 UTC