choreographyInstanceId - revised text

In 2.5.3, Composing Choreographies
Change first line of perform syntax from 
    <perform choreographyName="qname">
    <perform choreographyName="qname" choreographyInstance="XPath-expression">

Insert as second paragraph after the perform syntax

The choreographyInstance attribute defines an identifier for this performance
of the Choreography identified by the choreographyName attribute. If the performed
Choreography can only be performed once within the enclosing choreography, the
choreographyInstanceId attribute is optional. Otherwise, it is required and
the value MUST be different for performance.
This is a dynamic requirement - e.g. if a single <perform /> element appears
in a workunit that can repeat, each use of perform must assign a different
subChoreographyInstance identifier.

In the schema, add to definition of tPerform, immediately after the attribute
defintion for choreographyName:
<attribute name="choreographyInstanceId" type="cdl:tXpath-expr" use="optional"/>

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Received on Thursday, 18 November 2004 22:10:43 UTC