Re: Comments on CDL V1

Here it is again as a zip file (I have not seen it on the list yet).


Steve T
On 30 Mar 2004, at 17:04, Steve Ross-Talbot wrote:

> Dear editors,
> I have swept through with a fine tooth comb and enclose a tracked 
> version of the original CDL document with my comments and corrections.
> I'd be happy to walk through some of the comments as part of the 
> informal call tonight. Alas I don't have any examples coded yet and 
> will not start that work until I have completed the walk through but I 
> am not too far away from doing that. I only plan to walk through upto 
> section 2 (inclusive).
> Cheers
> Steve T
> <SRT_cdl_v1_editors.doc>

Received on Tuesday, 30 March 2004 14:24:25 UTC