Reviewing WS-CDL and raising issues

Dear all,

The Working Group has asked me to clarify what we would like our 
general members and those other interested parties to do with respect 
to our proposed WS-CDL (Choreography Description Language).

We encourage people to read the currently agreed working draft (the 
editors draft which may be visible is always in a state of flux and so 
we would suggest that you do not focus your attention on it) and submit 
comments and or issues to our mailing list which is

We would also be grateful if you would put the word "ISSUE:" as the 
first part of the subject line to indicate an issue as opposed to a 
comment. When you submit an issue or comment we would be grateful if 
you could describe the issue or comment fully and provide examples to 
illustrate if appropriate. The clearer you make the issue or comment 
the faster we can deal with it.

Our current working draft is expected to be found at:

Best Regards

Steve Ross-Talbot
Chair W3C Web Services Coordination
co-Chair W3C Web Services Choreography WG

O: +44 207 397 8207
C: +44 7855 268 848

Received on Tuesday, 13 April 2004 12:40:40 UTC