[public-ws-chor] <none>

	QuickBlaster Multimedia <http://www.quickblaster.netfirms.com> 		
Mobile:816-868-4891 URL:		

QuickBlaster Multimedia Home Theater and PC Intergration		
Interested parties should respond by completing the short form below.

TARGET JOB	Target Job Title:	Contract	
I will come your home or business and intergrate your hardware, make recommendations, 
or referrals to help your acheive your intergration goals.
Game enthusiatists intergrate your PC graphics into your Big screen plasma 
hi-def TV!
Surf the net on your Flat Panel Plasma Screen!
You buy the hardware. I'll hook it for you! Cheaper than most!
Would you like your wedding tape or family photo album transfered to CDROM,VCD, 
or DVD?
I do that!
QuickBlaster_Consulting quickblaster@sbcglobal.net <mailto:quickblaster@sbcglobal.net> 

Min consult fee 20.00
PC troubleshooting
Project Management
Video and Audio production
Music Production
Media Transfer
Video Encoding (MPEG-II VCD, SVCD, DVD,and DIVX)

Name:	Title:	Consultant; Leland Williams	

Temporary/Contract/Project 	Desired Job Type:		


Site Location:	Home or Business		

Date of Availability:	Negotiable		

TARGET LOCATIONS	Relocate:	Kansas City Metro Areas	
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net <mailto:quickblaster@sbcglobal.net> Type "remove" in subject line.

Received on Sunday, 23 November 2003 14:14:39 UTC