Re: requirements summary

I was originally thinking that a multi-party choreography can always be 
broken down into multiple "inter-dependent" bi-party choreography.  But I 
am convinced that this is NOT always possible.


So I think bi-party choreography is a special case of multi-party 
choreography.  Bi-party choreography has some interesting properties that 
can simplify the modeling.  (e.g. Bi-Party choreography doesn't need to 
worry about dynamic participation because any change of a binding can 
simply terminate the choreography).

I think we should covered multi-party choreography.  In additional, we may 
also need to investigate this special subset called bi-party choreography.

Best regards,

At 02:28 PM 3/24/2003 -0800, Jon Dart wrote:

> wrote:
>>2. Multi-party vs. bilateral choreography: there is some skepticism
>>that modelling bilateral interactions is sufficient.
>>       I certainly don't think that is it sufficient to model only bilateral
>>transactions. Many business transactions have multiple actors, and we want
>>to build standards that will work for common service transaction models.
>Note that it is not exactly all or nothing here. BPSS for example supports 
>"MultiParty Collaborations", but does so by composing them out of "Binary 

Received on Monday, 24 March 2003 19:05:51 UTC