Comments on CDL 1.0 (for last call) Kohei Honda January, 2005. Note: (1) Small issues (readability, ambiguity in punctuation, etc.) are not mentioned. (2) Details of some of the technical points will be later augmented. For later reference, I put * to what can be important technically. 2.3.4, Overall. When "being the target of an information exchange" is first used, it is better to augment (i.e. either a receiver of a request action or a sender of a reply action) or something like this. 2.3.4. Para "The value of Variables:". In the first bullet, Are available to Roles within a Choreography, when the Variables contain information that is common knowledge. is vague. It may be augmented as (for example) "as explicitly specified in Variable Definition, given later" Or does it mean there is some special common variables? (the sentence reads like that.) * 2.3.4. The last two paragraphs, about "roleType" attribute. It is not clear roleTypes attribute is solely for visibility or ownership (can be altered etc.). Simply put, Does a variable always belong to a unique role type in a single Choreography? A related question: If there are two role types specified in this attribute, can both alter the content of this variable? 2.4.4. The first para. Can be made clearer by saying: ... in that Variables contain values which MAY be populated or assigned as the result of actions or events within a Choreography Lifeline whereas.. In other words, a token denotes a value, while a variable refers to a container of a value, which in turn defines its state. 2.4.5. The second para, last sentence. >From the second to last sentence, if the root choreography can only be the sole top-level choreo, then the last sentence seems redundant. Also the term "enabled" has not been defined at this point. *2.4.6. Overall on workunits (1). To have a clear semantics of guards, it is better to specify that the evaluation of the guard expression is done in a fixed order (may be better to specify this explicitly in the CDL-function section or in an "expression" section). Reasons: If not, prediction of behaviours become hard; flow check becomes hard; can lead to livelock/deadlock easily. *2.4.6. Overall on workunits (2). It is recommended that workunit construct is decomposed into "loop", "conditional" and "workunit", the last having the blocking guard. Alternatively "loop" will be added as an additional construct. Details are elsewhere. *2.4.7. Choreography Life-line, the eighth para. The operational behaviour involving "complete condition" is not clear. Is the condition evaluated lock-step, at each action? It at least needs transaction semantics for all related variables. Suppose a variable V should have the value [not W]. Suppose W should have the value [not V]. We never know it is true or not, especially if they are situated in different roles. As a possible way to record this point, one may augment the 3rd sentence as: "A complete condition MUST be possible to be matched in all Roles that participate in the Choreography, for which we assume a consistent global view is maintained." This is a very useful feature, I can see, but I feel like recording a bit of subtlety inside the spec. 2.4.8--2.4.10. Exception-Finalization. Cannot see why finalizer blocks etc. should not combine in them corresponding workunits --- the latter seem rather redundant in semantics (and examples). As far as I read, no repetition etc. seems possible in these blocks. Interaction Based Information Alignment, Interaction Syntax, exchange element. The last paragraph of may be too conceptual. It may be augmented as: ... In other words, after each action, its state is immediately shared by the other party through appropriate variables, so that both act on the basis of shared understanding. In, the illustration of "align" attribute is (in addition to be repetitive in a non-enlightening way) not clear. Concrete description based on shared variables (as above) may clarify, in addition to taking off repetition. Interaction Syntax, record element. The first bullet point under "if the align attribute is set to "true"": "Both parties know..." What does "know" mean in this context? Also a phrase, "the availability of the creation ..." is used, but "creation" is redundant and is not semantically relevant. 2.5.4. Assigning Variables, the second para. One may augment it with a possible cause of exception (such as unavailability of referred tokens etc.). [end]