
Task force members:

After the discussion at the Berlin F2F, it is clear that this task force
needs to come to closure on a) the decision tree, and b) the particular
concrete proposals that hang off of it.  We also need to do this within
about three weeks.

Toward that end, here are a few scheduling changes I would like to
implement for the next few weeks.

1) Multiple / longer calls.  I'd like to either a) have two 60 minute
calls per week, or b) extend the current call to 120 minutes.  Please
let me know your preference.  If we go for two calls per week, I'd
suggest the current time plus a Thursday call at the same time.

2) A F2F.  I know several of us are going to be at JavaOne in San
Francisco the last week in June.  Since that is the last week we'll have
for this work, I'm wondering if we could plan a San Francisco
face-to-face meeting in order to finalize things.  Would you be able to
make it?

Please let me know (quickly :)) your thoughts/availability for these

Also, a reminder - we will be having a call on June 8th at the usual


Received on Friday, 3 June 2005 16:06:58 UTC