How does MakeConnection interact with request-response exchanges?

I've been puzzling through the spaghetti of dependant specs for a while, and haven't determined conclusively how to reconcile the WSDL in Appendix B with the MakeConnection example in Appendix C.6.

The WSDL describes request-response operations such as CreateSequence, with input CreateSequence and output CreateSequenceResponse messages.  While the WSDL doesn't describe a binding for this, it is easy to imagine a straightforward way to bind this to a SOAP/HTTP request-response.

However, the MakeConnection example shows a MakeConnection message resulting in a CreateSequence response message, which then results in a CreateSequenceResponse messages, followed by an HTTP 202.  That is, the first request corresponds to a one-way message (no problem here), the first response corresponds to a request of a request-response, and the second request corresponds to the response of a request-response.

What standard binding could be used to describe this behavior?  I can't find any of the specs (WSDL 1.1, WSDL 2.0, WS-I BP) that explicitly say the WSDL-described request message must be mapped to an HTTP request, but I'm also not aware of any implementation that allows requests to be mapped to anything else.  Is this just a too-obvious-to-state loophole or am I missing something?

Received on Monday, 18 September 2006 19:52:51 UTC