proposed resolution for CR30

Change to the WSDL Binding to resolve CR30.
current first para:
WS-Addressing defines a global attribute, wsaw:Action, that can be used to explicitly define the value of the [action] property for messages in a WSDL description. The type of the attribute is xs:anyURI and it is used as an extension on the WSDL input, output and fault elements. A SOAP binding can specify SOAPAction values for the input messages of operations. In the absence of a wsaw:Action attribute on a WSDL input element where a SOAPAction value is specified, the value of the [action] property for the input message is the value of the SOAPAction specified. Web Services Addressing 1.0 - SOAP Binding[WS-Addressing SOAP Binding] specifies restrictions on the relationship between the values of [action] and SOAPAction for SOAP 1.1 and SOAP 1.2.
suggested new first para:
WS-Addressing defines a global attribute, wsaw:Action, that can be used to explicitly define the value of the [action] property for messages in a WSDL description. The type of the attribute is xs:anyURI and it is used as an extension on the WSDL input, output and fault elements. A SOAP binding can specify SOAPAction values for the input messages of operations. In the absence of a wsaw:Action attribute on a WSDL input element where a SOAPAction value is specified, the value of the [action] property for the input message is the value of the SOAPAction specified. Note that the SOAPAction value is not required to be an absolute IRI, but the [action] property is required to be an absolute IRI; if wsaw:UsingAddressing is present, wsaw:Action is not specified, and SOAPAction is not an absolute IRI, then the document MUST be considered invalid. Web Services Addressing 1.0 - SOAP Binding[WS-Addressing SOAP Binding] specifies restrictions on the relationship between the values of [action] and SOAPAction for SOAP 1.1 and SOAP 1.2.
Does that cover everything? I thought it was better to be a little verbose, to cover the issue thoroughly.
On a related note, I see some inconsistencies in the following section 4.4.2 - the use of wsa:Action (should be wsaw:Action), and the use of URI instead of IRI. Should I treat these as simple typos?
Tony Rogers
CA, Inc
Senior Architect, Development
co-chair UDDI TC at OASIS
co-chair WS-Desc WG at W3C

Received on Monday, 21 August 2006 06:55:53 UTC