Re: Now that the train has left the station ...

David Hull wrote:
> ... I think I finally put my finger on the other reason I don't like
> about keying "WSA is engaged" off of [action] instead of any wsa: header.
> As I understand it, the reasoning is that, since [action] is required
> and non-defaulting (and, as it happens, the only such), its presence
> indicates that the intent was to to engage WSA.  But the implication is
> backwards.  Intending to engage WSA implies wsa:Action (as it happens),
> but not vice versa.  The students at the Aveda institute downstairs of
> our office are evidently required to wear all-black, but wearing
> all-black does not imply that one is studying cosmetology (one might
> instead be playing rugby for New Zealand, or one might just like black).

That is why at the last f2f I was arguing for keying-off any WSA header 
instead of only wsa:Action. If a WSA header is present but wsa:Action is 
not present, that is a good reason to generate the predefined fault. The 
presence of any WSA header makes the intent clear.

> Be that as it may, I accept that the issue is settled.

Received on Wednesday, 12 October 2005 06:01:08 UTC