Re: Proposal for lc75/lc88

On Jun 13, 2005, at 5:56 PM, Mark Nottingham wrote:
> The value of [message id] uniquely identifies the message. When  
> present, it is the responsibility of the sender to insure that each  
> message is uniquely identified. A receiver MAY treat all messages  
> that contain the same [message id] as the same message. No specific  
> algorithm for the generation of unique values of [message id] is  
> given, however methods such as the use of an IRI that exists within  
> a domain owned by the sender combined with a sequence satisfies the  
> uniqueness criteria but may not be the best practice from a  
> security perspective.
As discussed on yesterdays telcon, the problem I have with the above  
language is that its not clear what behavior we are allowing when we  
say: "a receiver MAY treat all messages that contain the same  
[message id] as the same message". Is my receiver compliant with WS- 
Addr if it:

(i) silently ignores a second message with the same [message id] as a  
previously received one
(ii) generates a fault when it receives a second message with the  
same [message id] as a previously received one
(iii) processes a second message with the same [message id] as a  
previously received one
(iv) all of the above or some other combination

I would prefer that we spell out the allowed behavior or, if we don't  
constrain it any way, be explicit that the behavior is undefined.


Marc Hadley <marc.hadley at>
Business Alliances, CTO Office, Sun Microsystems.

Received on Tuesday, 14 June 2005 12:15:52 UTC