RE: LC 76 - What makes a msg WS-A?

I thought it was clear.  As soon as a single ws-a header is marked with
mU, then a fault will be thrown if there are any missing headers like
Action.  If there are no headers marked with mU and there are missing
headers, then it's up to the receiver to decide whether to throw a fault
or ignore all the ws-a headers.






From: David Hull [] 
Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2005 2:25 PM
To: Martin Gudgin
Cc: David Orchard; Katy Warr;
Subject: Re: LC 76 - What makes a msg WS-A?


Martin Gudgin wrote: 


Am I correct in reading that as "we should throw a fault if there is a
wsa:ReplyTo but no wsa:Action" and we're back on the same page?  I hope
so, but when you say things like "I don't see why we want to mandate a
fault in such a case." it seems like you're saying that we shouldn't (or
at least shouldn't feel obliged to) throw a fault in such cases.

Perhaps you could enumerate with which combinations of headers a
WSA-compliant endpoint should and should not produce a fault?  We can
then check that against the rules in section 3 and know whether we need
to have any further discussion.





	From: David Orchard [] 
	Sent: 14 July 2005 22:03
	To: David Hull; Martin Gudgin
	Cc: Katy Warr;
	Subject: RE: LC 76 - What makes a msg WS-A?

	It seems to me that you can't pick and choose which headers to
support.  If there are any insufficient ws-a information (like contains
a replyTo but no Action) then none of the ws-a processing can be
invoked.  It's not a smorgasborg.





[] On Behalf Of David Hull
	Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2005 1:41 PM
	To: Martin Gudgin
	Cc: Katy Warr;
	Subject: Re: LC 76 - What makes a msg WS-A?


	Martin Gudgin wrote: 

	I agree with your analysis of the three steps. I don't see why
we want to mandate a fault in such a case. The client gets to decide
whether he wants a fault or not based on whether he marks the header
mU='true' or not...

	What would happen to the [reply endpoint] in this case (or
rather, these cases, as mU may be true or not)?  Would it be used as a
reply address?  Would it be silently ignored? Something else?
	In the first case, it seems strange to follow WSA rules but not
complain about a missing mandatory header.  In the second case, it seems
less than robust to silently ignore a field that would otherwise have a
significant effect on processing.
	Not sure about the third case.





		From: David Hull [] 
		Sent: 14 July 2005 21:21
		To: Martin Gudgin
		Cc: Katy Warr;
		Subject: Re: LC 76 - What makes a msg WS-A?

		Martin Gudgin wrote: 

		Well, one could argue that the endpoint that accepts
WS-A messages and the one that accepts non-WS-A message are not actually
the same endpoint despite the fact that they're listening on the same
URI, I suppose...

		Sure, but the multiplexing still has to be done one way
or another.


		I'm still not seeing why the endpoint can't use the
following sequence of steps;


		1.    Does the message contain a wsa:Action header?

		2.    If the answer to question 1. is 'Yes' then look
for other wsa: * headers and populate abstract properties as

		3.    If the answer to question 1 is 'No' then process
the message using normal SOAP rules (including raising mU faults if
there are any other wsa:* headers marked mU='true' )

		That will not produce a fault if a message contains an
explicit wsa:ReplyTo (with no mU) but no wsa:Action, right?  The test in
step 1 fails and we go straight to step 3.  So it's OK iff we don't want
a fault in such a case.  My understanding is we do want a fault in such
a case.





			From: David Hull [] 
			Sent: 14 July 2005 20:58
			To: Martin Gudgin
			Cc: Katy Warr;
			Subject: Re: LC 76 - What makes a msg WS-A?

			Martin Gudgin wrote: 

			Why is it a problem if a message which doesn't
have wsa:Action in it is NOT subject to 'validation' (what does that
mean, BTW) by the receiver?

			Yeah, I'm not comfortable with the terminology
			The question is, should a WSA compliant endpoint
throw a fault if it gets a message with (say) a [reply endpoint] and no
			If I understand right, you're saying that
(straightforwardly), it should.  That's certainly how I'd interpret the
current core.
			Section 3 (specifically section 3.1) says that
[action] is required (i.e., its cardinality is (1..1)), so the only
question (and the one I think Katy was asking) is, when does section 3
			There appears to be consensus that endpoints
should be able to accept both old-style and new-style requests without
problem.  This means that such an endpoint must be prepared to accept
messages with no wsa: headers at all -- contrary to as strict reading of
section 3.  In particular, such an endpoint should not fault if
wsa:Action is absent unless other wsa: headers are present.  In such a
case, section 3 does not apply universally, and we want to be able to
say when it does and doesn't apply.
			So what's the best way to say this?  We can't
use abstract properties, since they may be defined even if there are no
wsa: headers in the incoming message.  So we have to look at the
incoming infoset.  In short, an endpoint capable of handling both styles
should apply the constraints in section 3 if the incoming SOAP message
contains any wsa: headers, and should follow the pre-WSA behavior
otherwise.  This is fine as long as the underlying transport binding
doesn't synthesize wsa: headers that aren't explicitly there.
Otherwise, we'd need some other way of figuring out if the sender meant
to use WSA.
			Does that make more sense?  I believe this is a
long-standing and thoroughly discussed issue.  If you were thinking of
something else, let's sort that out first.




				From: David Hull [] 
				Sent: 14 July 2005 20:29
				To: Martin Gudgin
				Cc: Katy Warr;
				Subject: Re: LC 76 - What makes a msg

				Martin Gudgin wrote: 

				OK, I'm confused.


				Why do you conclude that the answer to
my question "Given that the wsa:Action header is mandatory, isn't it the
presence of that header?" is 'No'. 


				I would have come to the opposite


				I have an endpoint that understands
WS-Addressing. It receives a message that contains wsa:ReplyTo but no
wsa:Action. It generates a fault. Seems pretty straightforward to me.

				Sure.  That is a perfectly
straightforward rule.  In fact, it's implied by what we say in section
				I thought you were trying to answer the
question "When is an incoming message deemed to be a WS-Addressing
message and therefore subject to the appropriate WS-Addressing
validation?" with (rephrasing the reply as a statement) "It's subject to
WSA validation if the wsa:Action header is present."  And of course,
this clearly won't work, since it specifically doesn't try to validate a
message with wsa:ReplyTo and no wsa:Action.
				If you meant something else, then never
mind.  It's probably not worth sorting.


				I have an endpoint that doesn't
understand WS-Addressing. It receives a message that contains one or
more wsa: headers, it either ignores them or generates a mustUnderstand
fault depending on whether those headers are marked
mustUnderstand='true' or not. Again, seems pretty straightforward to me.

				Sure.  As I said, we're talking about
behavior of endpoints, not properties of messages.
				As DaveO says, the interesting case is
that of an endpoint that wants to accept non-WSA messages without
complaint but also handle WSA messages properly.





				From: David Hull [] 
				Sent: 14 July 2005 18:02
				To: Martin Gudgin
				Cc: Katy Warr;
				Subject: Re: LC 76 - What makes a msg

				Martin Gudgin wrote: 




				From: David Hull [] 
				Sent: 14 July 2005 16:32
				To: Martin Gudgin
				Cc: Katy Warr;
				Subject: Re: LC 76 - What makes a msg

				Is this really a question of how to
support both WSA and old-style HTTP requests on the same endpoint?  
				[MJG] I don't know, I didn't ask the
original question.

				Hmm ... my message was in-reply-to
yours, but the question was really aimed more at Katy.  Maybe we need
BPEL here :-).

				  I.e., if I don't see any WSA headers
at all, I assume it's an old-style request and act accordingly, but if I
see anything WSA, I follow the rules in section 3? 
				[MJG] I guess one could do that... 

				Well, one should do something to ensure
that old-style requests are accepted as such.

				The tricky bit is that, since MAPs like
[destination] and [reply endpoint] can default, a message with no wsa:
elements on the wire could still be assigned values for some of its
MAPs, since the infoset will still have values for the corresponding

				[MJG] Which Infoset are you talking
about? The XML Infoset has no such values.

				Sorry, I didn't get that quite right.  I
was going by section 3.2, particularly the descriptions of wsa:To:

				This OPTIONAL element (whose content is
of type xs:anyURI) provides the value for the [destination] property. If
this element is NOT present then the value of the [destination] property
is ""
<> .

				(and similarly for wsa:ReplyTo). I
initially misread this as stating that the element defaulted, as opposed
to the MAP.  So s/since the infoset will still have values for the
corresponding elements/since the properties are defaulted in the absence
of the corresponding elements in the infoset/.  This sort of confusion
could be seen as an argument against the two-layered approach (or simply
as an argument that I read too quickly).
				In any case, you can't simply look at
the abstract properties and say "some WSA properties are defined, so
it's a WSA message".

				   So either we have to drop down to
look at the infoset level, and in particular at the non-defaulted
elements in the infoset, or we have to find some marker that can't be
defaulted away.  This is why the [action] property looks significant
here.  But on the other hand, what if I include a wsa:ReplyTo element
and no action?  By the "it's WSA iff [action] is present" rule, that's
not a WSA message and therefore not an error.  This seems wrong. 
				[MJG] Why does it seem wrong?

				It seems wrong not to fault for a
message that contains a wsa:ReplyTo on the wire but not a wsa:Action.

				Put another way, when would one get a
fault for omitting [action]? 
				[MJG] Whenever another wsa: header is
present in a message.

				In other words, the answer to your
question ("Given that the wsa:Action is mandatory, isn't it the presence
of that header?") is "No."
				This is why at the Berlin meeting we
tried to make sure that all the possibilities were covered for various
combinations of the MAPs.  I believe we've satisfied ourselves that they
are, but perhaps we need to revisit this work?

				Martin Gudgin wrote: 

				Given that the wsa:Action is mandatory,
isn't it the presence of that header?





[] On Behalf Of Katy Warr
				Sent: 14 July 2005 16:07
				Subject: LC 76 - What makes a msg WS-A?

				Please could we discuss the following in
the context of LC76? 
				When is an incoming message deemed to be
a WS-Addressing message and therefore subject to the appropriate
WS-Addressing validation?   Is it based on the presence of any
WS-addressing Message Addressing Property?  For example, does a message
containing a reference parameter (but no other WS-Addressing
information) need to result in a MessageAddressingHeaderRequired?    Or,
for example, does the declaration of the wsa namespace rendor the
message WS-Addressing? 








Received on Thursday, 14 July 2005 21:32:00 UTC