Issue 040: Processing Model for our SOAP Faults

[ The following is sent on befalf of Arun who's having issues posting
to the list. ]

Description of issue 40 [1] states:

The SOAP binding states the following: "If neither is present faults
may be sent to the [source endpoint]." We deleted similar text in core
in the [fault endpoint] description, should we delete the above?

I think it's ok to delete the text from SOAP binding since the MEP
definition in the WSDL binding [2] requires that where a reply is
possible then [reply endpoint] is required and [fault endpoint] is
optional and can be used to override [reply endpoint] for faults. This
makes the text in the quotes above redundant and thus can be deleted
safely. Moreover removing this text will be consistent with core.



Received on Monday, 17 January 2005 00:05:08 UTC