[PlugFest] minutes - 11 September 2019

available at:

also as text below.

Thanks a lot for taking the minutes, Michael McCool!



      [1] http://www.w3.org/

                               - DRAFT -


11 Sep 2019


      [2] https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/PlugFest_WebConf#Agenda_11.09.2019


          Kaz_Ashimura, Michael_McCool, Daniel_Peintner,
          Ege_Korkan, Kunihiko_Toumura, Michael_Koster,
          Michael_Lagally, Ryuichi_Matsukura, Takahisa_Suzuki,
          Tomoaki_Mizushima, Toru_Kawaguchi





     * [3]Topics
         1. [4]Agenda
         2. [5]Action items
         3. [6]Online plugfest results
         4. [7]Plugfest logistics
     * [8]Summary of Action Items
     * [9]Summary of Resolutions

   <inserted> scribenick: McCool


   let's start with recap of yesterday

   then talk about consolidated demo

   Kaz: I updated the plugfest wiki with several expected topics

   McCool: I think we should also look at the action items

Action items

   Lagally: did all mine; new tds, uploaded, etc.
   ... also generated a couple of additional ones

   <kaz> [10]Sep-10 minutes

     [10] https://www.w3.org/2019/09/10-wot-pf-minutes.html

   Lagally: now have festo instances for various companies
   ... HVAC instances for various companies

   <kaz> [11]TDs for TPAC


   Lagally: any problem let up

   McCool: did all my updates; camera TDs updated, digest auth now

Online plugfest results

   Lagally: hangout confusion
   ... then did simple comm test
   ... then did test scenarios from various companies
   ... smart home, industrial
   ... then saw demo from NHK
   ... scenario described in demo docs
   ... events in broadcast can trigger actions in devices

Plugfest logistics

   Lagally: we need to figure out what we will do in common demo
   ... and we should avoid having to tear it apart during breakout

   Daniel: got late notice that christian cannot come
   ... I will be taking over... but not fully up to date

   Lagally: unfortunately we do not have a lot of information on
   what Siemens was planning
   ... but we have not seen a TD
   ... but we do have the festo simulator on oracle
   ... if you have a power simulator or something we can integrate
   it into a scenario
   ... but without a TD that is very hard

   Daniel: ok, I will try to find out more information and upload
   TDs etc

   Kaz: can you join prep on Sunday?

   Daniel: unfortunately arriving on Sunday night
   ... going to tuesday thing though

   Kaz: tues is the last chance, so please consider the
   possibility of joining prep on Sunday as well

   McCool: regarding the demos... Intel can duplicate the speaker
   and camera services so we can use them in both
   ... will attend sunday prep remotely
   ... and make sure devices are up

   Lagally: (shows diagram) does this reflect the devices and
   demos that are possible?
   ... let's call the demo at the panasonic table the unified demo

   <kaz> ->
   PlugFest page

   McCool: suggest panasonic table is the "demo", and the breakout
   is the "breakout" (even if we do demos there)

   <inserted> (kaz: suggests we think about some specific scenario
   for the "demo", e.g., which device/app should be the starting
   point and which device/app should be the ending point)

   Lagally: we should figure out what is going to be on the
   combined demo
   ... assume there will be a few remote things as well
   ... who is bringing the laptops, etc?
   ... panasonic will be bringing a rasppi and a screen
   ... which can be set up to show their lab

   McCool: I can bring a small laptop running the speech and
   camera things

   Lagally: what can fujitsu bring?

   Suzuki: devices, also bringing display
   ... can be showing slides

   Lagally: can you show simulators

   McCool: that is big enough to be a central focus
   ... can be showing the festo simulator or the like

   Lagally: what makes sense for hitachi to bring?

   Toumura: laptop, small application, node-red
   ... show orchestration

   Lagally: that can be in the middle, can orchestrate other

   Daniel: i understood that christian was just going to have a
   pure SW demo

   Lagally: was it integrated with other devices?

   Daniel: I think it was a combined demo with ecog; don't know

   McCool: I think we should think through the scenario for the
   panasonic table
   ... do we have any devices locally
   ... what scenarios make sense?

   <kaz> [12]diagram of local devices/applications and remote


   Lagally: can you integrate additional devices in node-red, eg
   TUM's prox sensor or switch?
   ... would like to use something from TUM
   ... want to show devices from different companies can work

   Ege: have LED matrix and buttons

   Kaz: link above has diagram of all the devices

   McCool: I think the scenario needs to make sense from a "story"
   point of view, too

   Lagally: if panasonic is leading the whole thing, then a smart
   home scenario makes sense
   ... for nhk we have an owner
   ... needs owners for others
   ... makes sense for the owners to be japanese or at least can
   make it to the weekend setup session
   ... I think we need one orchestrator for the panasonic table

   Toumura: unfortunately I have no dedicated demo laptop for tpac

   McCool: so who is able to bring an extra laptop?

   Lagally: want an existing laptop rather than setting up a new

   Kaz: given that toumura can't bring a laptop
   ... would you be able to do an install on sunday
   ... but I may be able to bring one; can you do an install?

   Toumura: linux is preferred; but node-red is not os dependent

   Lagally: suzuki also had a node-red impl

   Suzuki: difficult to do the entire week

   Ege: can do export, set up new machine sunday night

   Lagally: but ideally we should be set up before then

   Kaz: usually bring my own linux pc and windows
   ... and I can bring an extra linux pc

   Lagally: ok, that sounds like it will work
   ... kaz brings an extra linux machine, and toumura sets it up
   to demo
   ... fallback is ege with a rasp pi

   Ege: I have a small display but it's pretty small

   Lagally: well, we will have a lot of displays
   ... but still, the extra linux laptop sounds like the best
   option; let that be plan A

   <kaz> ACTION: kaz to provide an extra linux pc for the joint

   Lagally: still in the middle of scenario discussion
   ... some combination of what we have already?
   ... doesn't have to be realistic, just needs to show
   interaction across companies
   ... back to the agenda
   ... demo will actually be set up on Monday
   ... we do need to figure out some kind of shifts
   ... I think there should be at least one person and ideally two
   ... suggest we set up a "shift" table in the wiki or in the
   demo logistics doc
   ... (sets up table outline, 2-hour chunks)

   McCool: do we actually want to run the demos thursday and
   ... I think we should start with Wed, see who can do what

   Lagally: probably can't figure this out now...

   McCool: let's look at the conflicts too

   Kaz: the issue is the schedule on wed is a bit different
   ... as it is the plenary day

   McCool: maybe the first step is to figure out the set of
   volunteers, then the schedule

   Kaz: I will remove extra two columns from table
   ... mlagally, it is possible for you to join the sunday prep
   ... -7h... 6am to 11am

   Lagally: can join at 8am?

   Kaz: 7am to 11am?

   Lagally: ok

   Kaz: that is 2pm to 6pm
   ... I will set up a webex; hangout is already available

   Lagally: logistics

   McCool: do we have to worry about ports being blocked?

   Kaz: should be no restriction on NHK portable router

   Kawaguchi: we need to set up on monday morning too
   ... what time?

   Lagally: what would be your suggestion?

   McCool: I can add speech on Tuesday morning
   ... so scenario will have to be a little different on monday

   Kaz: I will have to talk to naomi again?

   Kawaguchi: panasonic table will be available from monday

   Lagally: one or two more things: title plate?

   Kaz: done

   Lagally: breakout or demo session?

   Kaz: just breakout

   Lagally: ok, I will remove the demo session
   ... suggest we just go in at 8 and get set up on monday

   McCool: and I will be there at 8 on Tuesday

   Lagally: sorry I won't be there, but will call in
   ... aob?

Summary of Action Items

   [NEW] ACTION: kaz to provide an extra linux pc for the joint

Summary of Resolutions

   [End of minutes]

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Received on Wednesday, 25 September 2019 15:08:46 UTC