[wot-ig/wg] minutes - 21 November 2018

available at:

Thanks a lot for taking these minutes, Elena!




      [1] http://www.w3.org/

                               - DRAFT -


21 Nov 2018


      [2] https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Main_WoT_WebConf#Agenda


          Kaz_Ashimura, Michael_McCool, Elena_Reshetova,
          Matthias_Kovatsch, Tetsushi_Matsuda, Tomoaki_Mizushima,
          Toru_Kawaguchi, Michael_Koster, Michael_Lagally,
          Sebastian_Kaebisch, Yosuke_Nakamura, Ryuichi_Matsukura,


          Matthias, McCool



     * [3]Topics
         1. [4]Quick updates
         2. [5]IG re-Charter
         3. [6]TestFest
         4. [7]F2F meeting plan
     * [8]Summary of Action Items
     * [9]Summary of Resolutions

   <kaz> scribenick: elena


     [10] https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Main_WoT_WebConf#21_Nov_2018

Quick updates

   <mkovatsc_> Doodle results

     [11] https://doodle.com/poll/pdfikpihu4pvqpu8

   Matthias: doodle on testing call confirmed that we stay on
   original time slot
   ... let's close the doodle, test call is on wednesdays after
   main call

   <mkovatsc_> IG re-charter

     [12] https://github.com/w3c/wot/blob/master/charters/wot-ig-2019.html

   RESOLUTION: continue to use the Wednesday testing slot after
   the main call for the testing call

IG re-Charter

   Matthias: next re-charter topic

   <kaz> [13]pr 597

     [13] https://github.com/w3c/wot/pull/597

   Matthias: please everyone to look on wording in the IG

   <kaz> [14]rendered version of the initial draft IG Charter

     [14] https://cdn.staticaly.com/gh/w3c/wot/4294cb70/charters/wot-ig-2019.html

   Matthias: please think if you want to have additional things in
   new charter

   McCool: we should emphasis that wot identifies gaps and creates
   possibility for different standards to interoperate

   Kaz: w3c has new updated template for charter, we might need to
   use it

   <kaz> [15]new charter template

     [15] https://github.com/w3c/charter-drafts

   Matthias: let's check it
   ... is this a new charter or re-charter that we need a history

   Kaz: it is a new charter, but we need history part

   <kaz> ACTION: kaz to ask plh/wendy about the new charter

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-145 - Ask plh/wendy about the new
   charter template [on Kazuyuki Ashimura - due 2018-11-28].


   Matthias: next topic - logistics
   ... what are our deadlines and how does it aligns with
   plugfests, etc.
   ... by december we need to know what features/implementations
   we have

   McCool: we first need to decide what information we need to

   Matthias: we don't have final assertions yet
   ... we need longer calls and documents on what we need from
   online plugfest

   McCool: we need two 3h sessions to discuss this in first/second
   week of december
   ... need to setup a doodle for it

   <scribe> ACTION: kaz to setup a doodle for the TestFest

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-146 - Setup a doodle for the TestFest
   [on Kazuyuki Ashimura - due 2018-11-28].

   McCool: 3 sessions of 2h or 2 sessions of 3h are our options

   <inserted> kaz: would go for three 2h meetings

   Kaz: do we really want to have extended plugfest or should we
   do offline review of assertions?

   Matthias: we need to have developers talking to each other and
   formulate requirements, we need information from actual

   McCool: result of this plugest should be a draft of assertions
   for testing
   ... let's call it "testfest"

   <mlagally> mlagally: +1 for the three 2 hour meetings

   <mlagally> ... ideally with a day in between

   McCool: let's try to schedule 3 meetings of 2h each and if
   scheduling a a problem, then fallback to 2 meetings
   ... we can also reuse time from other already scheduled calls

   RESOLUTION: kaz will make a new doodle

   McCool: ideally second week of December for testfest

   <kaz> Kaz: meaning the week of Dec. 3 or 10?

   <kaz> McCool: Dec. 10

   Matthias: we need to have input from everyone on testing, it is
   important and timing is very constrained

   McCool: need to have principle architects from TD group on this
   ... ideally generating the assertions happens earlier and we
   just tweak them during calls

   <Zakim> kaz, you wanted to mention that Kaz will talk with W3M
   about the WoT Testing requirements on Dec. 4

   Matthias: ok. on the other hand, next week we discuss with
   sebastian about what assertions we need in the spec
   ... so you can show it on Dec. 4

F2F meeting plan

   Matthias: F2F meeting, Siemens might be able to host it in

   Sebastian: need to clarify how long days we need for PlugFest
   ... should we have a PlugFest in F2F or not? please everyone
   provide feedback, it would help planning F2F

   McCool: PlugFest's purpose is to finalize implementation &
   gather data, plus penetration testing

   Matthias: F2F timing plan - end of january/ beginning of
   ... mostly for optimizing assertions, finalizing things, etc.

   Kaz: note that CR procedure doesn't require us for filling out
   all the implementation report, so we can have some unmarked
   assertions when we publish the CR

   McCool: online plugfest is a dry run for real PlugFest, not to
   substitute it
   ... it is safer to have our testing done before going CR
   timeframe, even not required, to minimize surprises

   Kaz: yeah, the earlier, the better
   ... but I wanted to clarify what is required

   Matthias: we need to practice test runs before CR to make sure
   assertions we have are correct and no mistakes
   ... so first week of February in US, Princeton, we can also
   host testfest

   Lagally: there won't be any more PlugFests, only TestFests?

   Matthias: we don't do any more show cases or scenarios, but
   should do test cases, so let's call them TestFests

   <kaz> another note: detailed behavior testing is not required
   for CR/PR transition unless the spec itself describes it.
   however, it would be useful for implementers to check their

   Matthias: for F2F should we have an open day? For example
   invite NIST people
   ... do we have people who are ready to present at the open day?

   Kaz: do not think we need open day

   Sebastian: we need to have 3 days for TestFest instead of 2

   Kaz: we should concentrate on finalizing things (spec and test)

   Matthias: mon/tue - TestFest, Wednesday also, but in the
   afternoon we can have some talks and invite speakers
   ... thur-friday usual discussion
   ... can sebastian check if we can start already on sunday, so
   that we have total of 6 days meeting
   ... so F2F is February 3rd - February 8th or previous week
   January 27th - February 1st

   Matthias: does anyone has conflicts on any of these days?

   <scribe> ACTION: mkovatsc to setup a doodle to check what
   timing is better

   <trackbot> Created ACTION-147 - Setup a doodle to check what
   timing is better [on Matthias Kovatsch - due 2018-11-28].

   McCool: we need to get a feedback on S&P considerations for
   scripting API
   ... we can discuss it at the next meeting

   Matthias: we will discuss TPAC minutes next week

   <kaz> [adjourned]

Summary of Action Items

   [NEW] ACTION: kaz to ask plh/wendy about the new charter
   [NEW] ACTION: kaz to setup a doodle for the TestFest
   [NEW] ACTION: mkovatsc to setup a doodle to check what timing
   is better

Summary of Resolutions

    1. [16]continue to use the Wednesday testing slot after the
       main call for the testing call
    2. [17]kaz will make a new doodle

   [End of minutes]

    Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by
    David Booth's [18]scribe.perl version 1.154 ([19]CVS log)
    $Date: 2018/11/21 17:54:14 $

     [18] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/scribedoc.htm
     [19] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/2002/scribe/

Received on Wednesday, 21 November 2018 18:05:29 UTC