Scripting call on Jan 30

Dear group,

in todays scripting call we had 4 major topics:

-        Scope of scripting / lifecycles

o   Nimura-San gave a presentation and will present it incl. the feedback on the F2F

o   Points during feedback discussion:

§  lifecycle concerns (runtime, provisioning, etc.) and their reflection in the APIs

§  abstraction level could rather be on plaform level rather than protocol

§  possible need for handling different states, e.g., runtime, provisioning. also dynamic discovery from the app script while the app is running

§  lifecycle of applications and their reflection in the API

§  it is useful to provide apps with API for accessing thing description

§  we need to consider provisioning of apps as part of the lifecycle and to discuss this with web browser vendors

§  API for exposed thing is less important as most devices will use the IoT platform rather than being "native wot"

§  Client API offers access to semantic metada through TD access

-        Open issues document


o   Used to collect questions / discussion points and proposals for the F2F

o   Additions very welcome, please be brief

-        F2F logistics

o   We will discuss along the questions from the document and cover conclusions into the document

o   Remote participients and people who can not join could send in proposals

o   Provisioning / life-cycle identified as a major topic

-        Use cases

o   We should clarify the use cases we lay as ground for our work

o   Use case doc:<>

§  For "atomic"/cross-cutting functionality

§  Scripting-focused

o   Scenario cases

§  To be discussed in plenary

§  Possibly revive UCR document

Best regards,

Received on Monday, 30 January 2017 13:24:55 UTC