[wot-ig/wg] minutes - 8 January 2020

available at:

also as text below.

Thanks a lot for taking the minutes, Dave!



      [1] http://www.w3.org/

                               - DRAFT -


08 Jan 2020


      [2] https://www.w3.org/WoT/IG/wiki/Main_WoT_WebConf#8_Jan_2020


          Kaz_Ashimura, Michael_McCool, Michael_Lagally,
          Michael_Koster, Daniel_Peintner, Dave_Raggett,
          Kunihiko_Toumura, Zoltan_Kis, Ryuichi_Matsukura,
          Sebastian_Kaebisch, Takahisa_Suzuki, Tetsushi_Matsuda,
          Tomoaki_Mizushima, David_Ezell, Taki_Kamiya, Ege_Korkan


          McCool, Sebastian



     * [3]Topics
         1. [4]Agenda
         2. [5]Quick updates
               o [6]Connected Homes over IP
               o [7]TF minutes
               o [8]Conversation with Singapore
               o [9]Joint call with MEIG
               o [10]Connected Homes over IP (revisited)
               o [11]TF minutes (revisited)
               o [12]Joint call with MEIG (revisited)
               o [13]Possible PlugFest by CHIP?
               o [14]Joint call with Web&Networks
         3. [15]WoT WG rechartering
         4. [16]Proposed Recommendation publication
         5. [17]F2F planning
         6. [18]Binding templates
         7. [19]Plan for calls
         8. [20]AoB
     * [21]Summary of Action Items
     * [22]Summary of Resolutions

   <kaz> scribenick: dsr


   McCool summarises the agenda for today's call.

Quick updates

* Connected Homes over IP

   <kaz> [23]https://www.connectedhomeip.com

     [23] https://www.connectedhomeip.com/

   Michael Koster introduces us to the CHIP (connected homes over
   IP) announcement.

   This includes WiFi, Thread, and others

   This project is not about creating a bunch of data models, and
   instead is more about the networking and use of existing data

   This brings Apple and Google into the ZigBee world

   McCool: how will this impact our work on Web of Things?

   Koster: it would mean addressing binary protocols, for one

   The same conversations about discovery come up, involving
   semantic descriptions for more than just the device

   e.g. how devices relate to one another and to the rooms in a

* TF minutes

   McCool: Last meeting we agreed that task force minutes in
   future will be publicly available, be aware of this!

* Conversation with Singapore

   Conversations with Singapore GovTech, a meeting is coming up to
   discuss POC (proof of concept), let me know if you want to

* Joint call with MEIG

   There will be a joint call with MEIG on 4th Feb.

* Connected Homes over IP (revisited)

   Lagally: when will the CHIP specification be available?

   Koster: Spec: 2020, Device certification: 2021

* TF minutes (revisited)

   kaz asks about task force minutes, do we need to wait for the
   charter update?

   RESOLUTION: the WoT-WG/IG will make the TF minutes as well
   public from this week

   McCool: in the security TF we have reviewed our minutes before
   publishing them

* Joint call with MEIG (revisited)

   McCool: anyone willing to volunteer to talk about use cases?

   Kaz: I can talk about the use cases from the Japanese

   (in respect to expected future use cases)

   mlagally offers to work with kaz on use cases summary

   <inserted> (kaz volunteers to generate an additional use case
   on ME/WoT collaboration for the joint call this time

* Possible PlugFest by CHIP?

   Sebastian: I have a question on CHIP, is a plugfest planned,
   and would it make sense for a joint activity at some point?

   Koster: yeah that could be interesting

   there will be plugfests but they haven't been planned yet, some
   will be internal, but some public events would make sense

* Joint call with Web&Networks

   McCool: I plan to talk about edge apps and connection with
   scripting at the 13th Feb call on Web and Networks

   This could result in a large-ish activity if it takes off

   We will discuss this in the scripting task force call

WoT WG rechartering

   McCool: We're waiting on W3M to approve the WG charter having
   just missed the deadline in December. We got a short extension
   to tide us over.

   Kaz: will send the final notification message today to the

   Should be finalized by next week!

Proposed Recommendation publication

   Yesterday, we had a transition call with W3M and the good news
   is that the transition is approved

   A minor fix to the reference to Server-Sent Events

   kaz is preparing the documents for publication

   We're intending to do a press release, and need a draft right
   away to give companies time to provide testimonials in time for
   a February date

   We will discuss this in the marketing call following this call

   Kaz: CSS writing modes Press Release as an example

   McCool: Should be short and clear

   Kaz: Need to provide messaging points to the MarComm team
   ... note that we should concentrate on messges about "impacts
   for industry", etc., rather than technical details for press

F2F planning

   Our next F2F will be in March. Mozilla are unable to host at
   their Mountain View facility as their available meeting rooms
   aren't large enough.

   Kathy asked whether Intel's offices nearby are available. Intel
   is planning on hosting in Finland, so that also hosting in
   California is unlikely

   Lagally: we should poll IG/WG members to assess numbers

   McCool: I am concerned with the very limited time available to
   finalise the March meeting

   Ege: perhaps someone could book a meeting venue for the open

   McCool: that requires a budget though

   I will check to see if Intel could host the open day for free

   Sebastian: having one location makes it easier to arrange demos
   and plugfest

   McCool: I will get back to Kathy and contact Intel to see
   what's practical

   Looking forward, a F2F in Helsinki this Summer is looking
   pretty good

Binding templates

   Ege: we want to publish and seek reviews

   a WG Note would be appropriate

   McCool: do we want to give people a few days to read it and
   then make the resolution to publish next week

   McCool asks Ege about the at risk security schemes

   Ege: I will check

   McCool: okay, we will plan to have a resolution in next
   Wednesday's call

   Ege: if people will give feedback by Friday, I will incorporate

Plan for calls

   The marketing tf call is just after this one. Next Security and
   Scripting calls on Monday

   The next TD call is on 10th Jan

   The Architecture TF did a poll, resulting in 2 slots to help
   with people spread around the globe

   one call in the morning CET and another in the afternoon

   Lagally: we will see how that works out

   This starts tomorrow

   tomorrow's calls will focus on use cases

   Sebastian: I can suggest this 2 call pattern for the TD tf

   McCool: let's see how the architecture tf experience goes first
   ... The Discovery TF hasn't started yet. We first need to do a
   poll to select a timeslot

   which day would make the most sense?

   Tuesday is one possibility

   It could also follow the architecture calls.

   I am open to suggestions

   Kaz is volunteered to arrange the poll

   <kaz> ACTION: kaz to create a doodle poll for the discovery tf


   Sebastian: may be the TD TF timeslot could be changed, I also
   want to talk about outstanding issues

   also some time for Ege and Michael Koster re binding templates.

   McCool: Please stay on this call for the marketing discussion -
   after a 15 min gap
   ... end of main call ...

Summary of Action Items

   [NEW] ACTION: kaz to create a doodle poll for the discovery tf

Summary of Resolutions

    1. [24]the WoT-WG/IG will make the TF minutes as well public
       from this week

   [End of minutes]

    Minutes manually created (not a transcript), formatted by
    David Booth's [25]scribe.perl version 1.154 ([26]CVS log)
    $Date: 2020/01/13 07:31:34 $

     [25] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/~checkout~/2002/scribe/scribedoc.htm
     [26] http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/2002/scribe/

Received on Monday, 13 January 2020 07:35:12 UTC