IoT 2018: Call for Tutorial proposals - May 15th

Apologies for cross-posting

= Web:

== Deadline: May 15th, 2018

Tutorials collocated with the *8th International Conference on the Internet
of Things (IoT 2018)* are opportunities for IoT researchers and
practitioners to learn about models or technologies, providing practical
solutions for specific problems related to the IoT.

We invite submission of half-day tutorial proposals, with a clearly defined
topic that falls in the general scope of the conference.
Review Criteria

A limited number of tutorial proposals will be accepted to IoT 2018. Each
proposal will be evaluated based on the quality of the proposal, and its
appeal to the IoT community. In particular, the proposals should
demonstrate the following:


   the tutorial topics fall in the general scope of IoT2018

   there is a clear focus on a specific problem or technology

   there is a sufficiently large community interested in the topic

We expect tutorials to have practical parts in terms of examples or
preferably hands-on sessions. The organisers of accepted workshops will be
responsible for their own publicity (e.g., website, call for
Tutorial Proposals

Submissions should be submitted no later than May 15th 2018 via EasyChair ( ) as a 200 words
abstract, along with a single PDF file of 4 pages maximum, containing the
following section:


   Title, acronym, potentially logo

   Model or technology covered by the tutorial

   Motivation: Why is it of particular interest for the IoT community to
   learn about this model or technology? A brief discussion of the
   model/technology development history (previous tutorials, conferences where
   it has been presented or demonstrated, community behind its development,

   Detailed Description: content and schedule, description of learning
   outcomes, presentation style, tutorial format, prior knowledge required by
   the attendees.

   Tutorial Material: if applicable, description of the hardware and
   software used for the tutorial. Will the software be openly accessible to
   the participants? With what licence? If applicable, will the slides be
   shared with the audience, with what licence?

   Audience: Evidence that there is an existing community of researchers
   and practitioners that are susceptible to participate to this event.

   Presenters: Name, affiliation, email address, homepage and short
   biography of each presenter, explaining their expertise in the tutorial
   topic as well as their experiences in teaching and in tutorial presentation

   Requirements: Audio-visual or technical requirements and any special
   room requirements.

All tutorial participants will be required to register for the full
conference as well. Tutorial organizers will receive one complimentary
conference ticket for one organizer or one tutorial participant. At the
discretion of the chairs, tutorials may be cancelled if organisers have not
registered in a timely manner.

Workshop/ Tutorial Chairs
- Grant McKenzie (University of Maryland, USA) - Maxime Lefrançois (École
des Mines de Saint-Étienne, FR)

Received on Monday, 9 April 2018 07:58:51 UTC