RE: Semantic Interop article series

Anyhow, he just asked me to be a co-contributor to part 6 of his article series.   I'm willing to do so (that part will be on managing and distributing metadata...) and will try to inject a paragraph or two pointing to the WoT work.
Michael McCool

From: Mccool, Michael []
Sent: Saturday, September 30, 2017 20:31
To: Michael Koster <>
Cc: Public Web of Things IG <>
Subject: Re: Semantic Interop article series

Does seem to be a lot of overlap with<>.  Anyhow, he pinged me on LinkedIn.   He does not mention WoT in his articles, though (unless I overlooked it) but he still has one more article to go... I'd like to at least get him to work in a mention ;)

On Sep 30, 2017, at 1:43 PM, Michael Koster <<>> wrote:
Oh yeah, I was approached by Doug Migliori last June to contribute to this series and had some email exchange but somehow dropped the ball.

I also work with a number of the other authors already but no one has mentioned it.

I have contacted him and asked if we can talk about W3C WoT and<> in the next installment.

They seem to be headed off toward a common API and data format (meta-platform) approach...

Best regards,


On Sep 29, 2017, at 5:02 AM, Mccool, Michael <<>> wrote:

Of likely interest to the group.   Semantic interop for IoT, including a nice review of several groups' work in the area.   Six-part series, only five parts published so far as far as I can tell.<>

Received on Sunday, 1 October 2017 06:00:57 UTC