Scripting call on monday, 20.2.2017

Dear group,

I am in an offsite workshop and cannot be sure if I can be on the call on Monday.
I will try to dial myself in, however, if somebody could take over moderation it would be very good.

Agenda-points I would see:

-        Brief sync-up of participants that were not on the F2F

-        Results from F2F: resulting actions of consented points, volunteers to take on actions

-        GitHub repo for WG deliverable: status , ToDos

-        Creating First ED out of current practices and the proposals: Zoltan and Johannes?

I'd basically use the meeting to sync up, create a backlog of actions and maybe assign them already



If we have people who would like to attend the meeting from timezones where the current call time 13:00 CET time is unconvient (e.g. from PST or JST), we can try find a better one.
Please voice up on the mailing list or directly to me.

Best Regards,

Received on Friday, 17 February 2017 13:13:30 UTC