Re: Comments on simplified JSON thing descriptions


I'm on holiday at the moment and will reply properly to this interesting
GitHub thread in the new year.

I just wanted to mention that the JSON Web Thing Description
<> Interest Group
Note is not "Ben's proposal". It is the starting point of a combined
proposal from Interest Group members (so far Mozilla, EVRYTHNG and Ambrosus
Technologies) which builds upon:

   - The Web Thing Model <> member submission
   which was the output of the EU funded COMPOSE project
   - Mozilla's Web Thing API <> draft member
   submission which proposes a JSON serialisation and HTTP & WebSockets
   protocol binding for the Web of Things

The Interest Group Note is the starting point for a task force in the
Interest Group to further incubate a plain JSON serialisation and
eventually also an HTTP & WebSockets protocol binding.

I would not necessarily characterise the Interest Group Note as a "subset
of a more general approach" provided by Dave's proposal
and I think that proposal may have overlapping but slightly different
goals. I'd like to better understand those goals, and the motivation for
trying to combine the JSON and JSON-LD serialisations.

Interestingly I think there are still different ideas about the intended
use cases of a Web Thing Description and what exactly constitutes the *Web*
of Things as opposed to the Internet of Things.

Seasons Greetings


On 20 December 2017 at 08:48, Dave Raggett <> wrote:

> My regrets for the the main WoT call as I have an appointment I can't
> change. Sebastian informed me that in today’s call, there will be a
> presentation of Ben’s Ben’s simplified thing description proposal.
> I’ve added some comments on that and invite you to read them and respond,
> see:
> In summary: Ben’s proposal is a subset of a more general approach that
> covers a broader range of requirements, e.g. the ability to pass data with
> events and actions. In addition, I propose  a general way to address
> security and synchronisation within the Internet as opposed to the IoT edge
> protocols. This replace’s Ben’s use of “href” and “links” in his proposal.
> Dave Raggett <>
> W3C Data Activity Lead & W3C champion for the Web of things

Received on Wednesday, 20 December 2017 12:20:54 UTC