[IG-SP] No conf call on 2016-03-24

Dear colleagues,
As already mentioned in the last call: no SP conf call tomorrow due to vacation

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Conf call details:

- Webex: https://mit.webex.com/mit/j.php?MTID=mf4a67df9da5c6caa8e809a8cfff4f004

- Scribing: IRC channel

Proposed agenda:

- Housekeeping (note: I’m scheduled for another call at 14:00 CET / 5:00 PDT / 22:00 JST => we’ll be limited to 60 mins), minute taking

- SP chapter in WoT landscape [1]: next steps

- SP contributions to WoT current practices [2], [3]: next steps

F2F, Plugfest in Montreal

- SP-related charter items for the WoT WG [4]: discussion


Tech landscape for security&privacy [chapter in WoT Technology Landscape]

Security considerations for AP [subsection in WoT Current Practices]

Security considerations for TD [subsection in WoT Current Practices]

Charter items for the Web of Things Working Group

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Received on Wednesday, 23 March 2016 08:28:09 UTC