Re: [FYI] WWDC 2016 Apple Homekit

On Mon, Jun 20, 2016 at 12:04 PM, Dave Raggett <> wrote:

> I very much agree with what you say. Is this something that you can help
> to realize? It would be great to have Google involved. Do you have any
> comments on the new Web of Things Interest Group Charter [1] currently
> undergoing W3C AC Review, and the early draft charter for a Web of Things
> Working Group [2]?  The Interest Group could study ways to support
> versioning, and if there is sufficient consensus, this could be
> standardized in the Working Group. What suggestions do you have in respect
> to standardizing the device/service models for specific domains such as
> smart homes?

I'm happy to help as I can, but as there are multiple teams at Google
working on various IoT projects and I can't speak for them. I will suggest,
however, that one of the key groups contact you. Is someone from Apple
already on this list and participating?

As to standardizing on the device/service model, it usually helps to do a
quick survey of what existing models are already out there. In addition to
HomeKit, can anyone else suggest any other projects? It seems reasonable to
start with these existing models, find a resonable subset for "Version 1"
and then allow the differences to be expressed using the 'optional'
mechanism. Subsequent standards work would then try to move the optional
pieces into the required.


Received on Wednesday, 22 June 2016 14:22:03 UTC