Fwd: WoT test logo 4

Kevin has introduced a scale which can be interpreted as either a sensor or an actuator. At the same time, he has aligned the style of the font with the shapes. I look forward to your comments.  

> Begin forwarded message:
>  Hi Dave, here’s a more revised version of the logo with the “T” as a meter and the readjusted font, which I think is more clear and readable. Being a web of generic things, I think having the type be very understandable without being too gaudy is important. It’ll be very readable at tiny sizes too.
>  Here’s the large and small logos with text in SVG format so you can try out how they look in various contexts.
>  — Kev

   Dave Raggett <dsr@w3.org <mailto:dsr@w3.org>>

Received on Friday, 29 April 2016 10:33:54 UTC