Re: [WoT IG] WoT IG WebConf next Tuesday

Hi Joerg,

The IG meeting will be a great place to discuss joint sessions among  
the TFs. Since we have already seen that the activities of the TFs  
will be interrelated, at least for TF-DI and TF-TD. I think this point  
should be added to agenda.


Quoting "Heuer, Joerg" <>:

> Dear all,
> for the upcoming WoT IG WebConf
> [IG] 19th of May 2015 at 15:00 - 16:00 UTC / 17:00 - 18:00 CEST /   
> 8:00 - 9:00 PDT / 0:00 - 1:00 JST (20th of   
> May)<,1850147,100,8&h=12&date=2015-5-19&sln=17-18>,   
> webex<>
> the following agenda points are planned:
> -          TF reports (10min each, scope, summary of discussions,   
> plans for the next  four weeks)
> o   TF-AP
> o   TF-TD
> o   TF-DI
> -          WoT Framework Architecture
> -          Logistics:
> o   IG working mode, Sec/Priv activities
> o   Upcoming F2F meeting
> o   Tooling to collaborate on deliverables  (e.g. wiki, github,   
> plantUML, ...)
> Do you have further points which should be added to the agenda?
> BR,
> Joerg
> Siemens AG
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