RE: Web of Things IG meeting during TPAC?

Dave Raggett wrote:

“It would be great to get a general of what people think about this, as we are being asked to make a decision within the next few weeks.”


I’ll be at TPAC, so should be available if WoT IG meets.





Senior Accessibility Engineer, TPG

@LeonieWatson @PacielloGroup


From: Dave Raggett [] 
Sent: 12 March 2015 15:00
To: Public Web of Things IG
Subject: Web of Things IG meeting during TPAC?



W3C annual all-groups meeting, TPAC 2015, is scheduled the week of October 26-30 in Sapporo, Japan, see:

This sets it in the same country (although in different regions) as the IETF meeting, scheduled the following week.

We have an opportunity to take advantage of TPAC 2015 to organize a Web of Things Interest Group face to face meeting and to network with people involved in a wide range of W3C groups, and for those interested to stay on for the IETF meeting.


It would be great to get a general of what people think about this, as we are being asked to make a decision within the next few weeks.


p.s. We may want to have another face to face in the interim, e.g. in early July in North America given that the last one was in Europe, and TPAC is in Asia.  


Looking forward to your feedback,



   Dave Raggett < <> >




Received on Friday, 13 March 2015 08:54:29 UTC