Re: [IG-SP] Conf Calls for Security&Privacy Matters

Hi Oliver,

I am fine with your proposed day and time :)


Research Engineer, Eurecom, France | +33658194342 | @skdatta2010 | | Skype id: soumyakantidatta

Quoting "Pfaff, Oliver" <>:

> I suggest following schedule for calls to coordinate our work on   
> security&privacy:
> -       Day: Thursday (alternative: Tuesday [Wednesday is blocked by  
>  TF calls, Monday/Friday are close to weekends])
> -       Frequency: weekly (easier to skip an appointed conf call   
> than to arrange an intermediate call in a biweekly schedule)
> -       Starting time: 9:30  CEST (alternatives: 10:00/10:30/11:00.   
> A time that is in the morning [Europe] should be okay for Europe and  
>  Asia [have not yet an indication for participation from the  
> Americas])
> -       Duration: 1 hour (scheduled length, actual length may deviate)
> -       Expiration: by the end of Q3/2015 (meant to accompany the   
> initial phase of security&privacy work; may be prolonged   
> [with/without schedule changes] depending on consensus)
> Please follow-up if you like to participate in the security&privacy   
> work but cannot accommodate the proposed schedule. Especially if you  
>  are from the Americas and would like to participate, let me know   
> (then the time-of-day needs reconsideration)
> I will request the conf calls as soon as we found a schedule that   
> works for all who are interested. I guess the initial call could be   
> June 11 or 18. You'll see the invitation on this list
> Best regards,
> Oliver

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