AW: WoT Plugfest

We would like also to participate and show demos around using Physical Web together with SSDP. We may also showcase other use cases with focus on discovery also using BLE. Is the page up-to-date especially for the restriction on protocols?


Von: Dave Raggett []
Gesendet: Montag, 3. August 2015 19:14
An: Hund, Johannes <>
Cc: 전종홍 <>; Heuer, Joerg <>; Public Web of Things IG <>
Betreff: Re: WoT Plugfest

On 3 Aug 2015, at 18:01, Hund, Johannes <<>> wrote:

Hi Jonathan and all,

The test-driven nature of the testthewebforward event is something very suitable when we have a clearer spec I think.

IMHO, the first thing we should lay down is some thing descriptions for the things we want to involve in the plugfest.

Those enable us to interface several different thing implementations and applications.
Once we see that this is a good track its worthwile to specify more details and provide testsuites.

But first it could be good to allow a bit more freedom.
Just on the protocol side I am not sure if we really see more than CoAP or HTTP for now.

You may want to add WebSockets to that list given the ease of running NodeJS on the Raspberry Pi and boards with similar power. Moreover, I have a WebSocket implementation already.  I am keen to support MQTT and MQTT-SN but don’t see that as likely by October.

With those points in mind, I added a basic outline to the document on github:

Please everybody feel free to comment and edit!

Best regards,

Hi Heuer,

Thanks for your review and response.

I agreed all of your point and comments.

Also,surely, I will participate this activity and try to support that.

I think we can reference TestTheWevForward as another event model. It's a
testing festival and hackathon style event which orgarnized by W3C.

I think we need consider how we can enjoy the WoT demos and make cooperation
for early prototyping of our WoT standardization activity. Hopely, we can
create a new event style better than traditional plugfest events.

Best Regards,

--- Jonathan Jeon

2015. 8. 1. 08:36 Heuer, Joerg <<>> 작성:

Hi Jonathan,

thanks for following up on the discussion we had yesterday to organise the
demo/plugfest @ TPAC and providing the OGC document as a starting point.

Some comments on the example you send:
- the structure of the document seems reasonable
- I assume the plugfest to which the document refers to has been done
at a different phase of standardisation in OGC
- in our case it has less standard conformance character but more
demo/interop character
- so (hopefully) we can omit some of the legal and assessment aspects
- on the other side we need to give more explicit guidance what should
be implemented as we can not yet refer to a specification

Jonathan, I assume with your email you volunteered :-) to be part of
the group of people working on the
AI: setup of joint WoT github demo/plugfest which we discussed


-----Original Message-----
From: 전종홍 []
Sent: Samstag, 1. August 2015 09:09
To: Dave Raggett <dsr@w3. org<mailto:dsr@w3.%20org>>
Cc: Public Web of Things IG
Subject: WoT Plugfest

Hi Dave,

I think we need some guideline for that If we have planning to held a WoT
Plugfest event during TPAC meeting.

I think this OGC’s guiline can provide a lot of insights.
So we need to make a Plugfest guideilne like this.

Best Regards,

— Jonathan Jeon

   Dave Raggett <<>>

Received on Tuesday, 18 August 2015 06:34:17 UTC