[WG Charter] Re: draft WG charter for review

Is there some reason for leaving off the w3c/ogc spatial data on the web working group ( sdwwg) from the related groups?

Firstly, WoT absolutely needs location, and that is a big part of our work - it would be a great shame if these two groups diverged on that essential topic. Secondly, and even more importantly, sdwwg is producing a REC version of the well-known SSN vocabulary, that is commonly used in WoT projects, including those of participants in SDWWG and WoT Interest Group. SDWWG does have a good few WoT use cases around SSN.  Your interest group TD subgroup has been looking at SSN and we (sdwwg) have been asking for requirements and collaboration on this, especially in the area of actuation which is not currently addressed in SSN, and is not really in demand in SDWWG. 

Finally, for work outside the W3C I suggest the charter should reference the OGC IoT  Domain Working Group.

( co-chair of sdwwg) 

> On 6 Aug 2015, at 4:32 am, Dave Raggett <dsr@w3.org> wrote:
> Following the discussion in Sunnyvale, I have created a first draft for the charter for the proposed web of things framework working group and invite your comments, either as pull requests or email to this list with the prefix [WG Charter]
>   https://github.com/w3c/wot/blob/master/WG/charter.md
> In particular, the current draft excludes work on encodings and APIs, but cites a dependency on the EXI WG. I have included an initial list of other relevant W3C groups and groups outside of W3C.
> When considering additional work items, please think about whether they would be a good for this working group or better suited to another working group.
> —
>    Dave Raggett <dsr@w3.org>

Received on Thursday, 6 August 2015 01:49:23 UTC