[wot-comm] minutes - 21 December 2016

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      [1] http://www.w3.org/

                               - DRAFT -

                    WoT IG Communication TF meeting

21 Dec 2016



   See also: [3]IRC log

      [3] http://www.w3.org/2016/12/21-wot-comm-irc


          Kaz, Yingying, Daniel, Michael


          kaz, yingying


     * [4]Topics
         1. [5]OCF/WoT Liaison Task Force Charter
         2. [6]Launching WG
         3. [7]IG co-Chair change
         4. [8]oneM2M liaison
         5. [9]OPC liaison
         6. [10]Long Term topics
     * [11]Summary of Action Items
     * [12]Summary of Resolutions

OCF/WoT Liaison Task Force Charter



   <kaz> [14]Liaison wiki


   <inserted> scribenick: kaz

   michael: making the minutes the TF internally would be better
   (for a while)
   ... generating the charter for the TF

   <inserted> scribenick: yingying

   Michael: target is to make it possible to get ahead of OCF
   recommendation before published. On OCF side there is similar
   ... benefits of OCF and W3C are described in the charter.
   ... for the deliverables, some might belong to IG and some WG.
   ... you guys can review this and give comments.
   ... the critical thing is we have to make the communication
   ... do we want to make liaison a TF.

   <inserted> scribenick: yingying_

   daniel: currently 4 people in the TF. They need to join the WG
   as well.

   <kaz> [15]pull request 292

     [15] https://github.com/w3c/wot/pull/292/files

   <inserted> scribenick: kaz

   kaz: for mainly Daniel, we'll have a dedicated call with the WG
   co-Chairs ant the WG staff contacts (probably on Friday)
   ... and the agenda topics include how to deal with liaison with
   external SDOs

   mccool: would it make sense for liaison in general?

   kaz: yes
   ... we should have discussion with both the IG co-Chairs and
   the WG co-Chairs
   ... we should have discussion on who should be the main liaison
   contact for which SDO

   michael: right

   kaz: btw, what would be the relationship between the liaison tf
   and this comm tf?

   michael: this liaison tf is specific for the OCF liaison

   kaz: including the right of the possible deliverable document
   generated by OCF or W3C

   michael: yeah
   ... basically, OCF documents become public and then brought to
   ... but for the quicker progress sometimes we might want to
   look at unpublished version draft beforehand
   ... btw, will you bring this topic to the IG main call in 2
   ... yes, just summary though

Launching WG

   yingying: Xueyuan is preparing for the announcement

   kaz: will talk with the co-Chairs about the WG page, etc.

   yingying: good idea

IG co-Chair change

   kaz: waiting for response from Matthias
   ... but it would make sense to make the announcement along with
   the WG announcement

oneM2M liaison

   kaz: will talk with the Liaison Team
   ... and then forward the liaison letter to the group

OPC liaison

   kaz: we should check with the IG co-Chairs about their opinions

   yingying: will respond to the email thread on the possible
   invited expert for OPC liaison

Long Term topics

   yingying: let's talk about long term topics next time

   [ adjourned ]

Summary of Action Items

Summary of Resolutions

   [End of minutes]

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Received on Wednesday, 21 December 2016 12:00:56 UTC