Re: polling for a day of WoT Communication TF Monthly call

On Mon, 23 Nov 2015 08:31:22 +0100, Yingying Chen <> wrote:

> Hello,
> During the first meeting of WoT Communication TF on Nov. 18, it was  
> suggested that 12pm (noon) Europe, 6am EST, 7pm China and 8pm Japan  
> might be a good time. Coralie, is the time slot practical for you as you  
> were not in the first meeting?

Yes, I can do 12pm noon Europe on Wednesdays for an hour.

Thank you!

> Then, could we poll for which day we would like to have the call? And as  
> it is close to Christmas holiday, we'd better have our next call in  
> wk51(from Dec. 14 to Dec. 18). Please reply on which day you prefer to  
> have the meeting.
> Thank you.
> BR, Yingying

Coralie Mercier  -  W3C Marketing & Communications - +336 4322 0001

Received on Monday, 23 November 2015 11:06:04 UTC