Letting PDFs be uploaded to mediawiki

We need this for the OWL working Group (asap, please)

How do I Allow New File Types to be Loaded? (Administrators Only)

If you try to load a file and MediaWiki will not allow it, you  
probably need to add it to the allowable file types.

There are two steps to adding a new file type that's allowed to be  

The first is to add it to the allowable array located in  
localsettings.php (or more usually in the extensions/wikicustom.php) as:

$wgFileExtensions = array('png', 'gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'doc', 'xls',  
'pdf', 'ppt', 'pps', 'msg', 'txt', 'rtf');

Just add it to the end.

The second step is to allow it to be uploaded by the web server  
engine (at MontCo, usually IIS)

For IIS, go into the IIS Manager, right click on properties for the  
virtual directory, 'HTTP Headers' tab, "Mime Types" and add it to the  
type served. Depending on your need, you can add this all the way up  
to the top (local computer) and it will allow all sub-webs and sub- 
virtual webs to upload/download that file type.

Received on Wednesday, 12 December 2007 14:32:25 UTC