raised history limit from 100 to 1000 on RIF's MoinMoin

I just made a change to RIF's installation of MoinMoin, raising the
number of changes displayed on the history page from 100 to 1000.  For
an example, see:


This change require access to the server.  What I did was:

   $ cd /u/wiki/rules/data/plugin/action/

   $ cp var/lib/python-support/python2.4/MoinMoin/wikiaction.py longaction.py

   [ edit longaction.py ]
     < def do_info(pagename, request):
     > def execute(pagename, request):    # was called do_info  -- sandro
     <             if count >= 100:
     >             if count >= 1000:

   [ test it ]

   $ mv longaction.py info.py

I announced this to the WG:

I'd suggest we actually do the 100 => 1000 change to the global
wikiaction.py, but I wasn't going to just do that myself.

       -- Sandro

Received on Wednesday, 17 October 2007 12:08:38 UTC