Re: [whatwg] Responsive image maps

On Fri, Mar 20, 2015 at 12:22 PM, Martin Janecke <> wrote:
> However, since image maps have been an integral part of HTML since version
> 3.2 and not been deprecated in favor of a better alternative yet, it might
> still be a straightforward solution to enhance them. Responsive image maps
> would be backwards compatible to all non-graphical clients that support at
> least HTML 3.2 such as Lynx, various bots and presumably most screen
> readers. Accessibility is already solved for image maps.
> What are the accessibility implications of using SVGs? In an image map, an
> <area> element used as a link must have an @alt attribute providing a link
> text. It seems that an SVG could use the <desc> element for that purpose,
> but it isn't mandatory. Is it understood as link text by screen readers? In
> case it isn't: do screen reader vendors plan to parse SVGs and make (links
> in) them accessible in the future? What about search engines? Do/will they
> handle hyperlinks in SVGs like <a> and <area> hyperlinks in HTML?

SVG is highly accessible.  Yes, SVG <a> elements are followed just
like HTML <a> elements, and yes, screenreaders do read out <desc>
elements when appropriate.


Received on Friday, 20 March 2015 19:31:35 UTC