Re: [whatwg] <iframe async>

On Fri, Feb 27, 2015 at 7:31 PM, Ashley Gullen <> wrote:
> Perhaps "independent" is a better name than "async", indicating the iframe
> content is independent of the main page. Browser loading UI, load events,
> "fast back" and possibly performance tools would not take in to account
> independent iframes, since they are explicitly marked as not important to
> the working of the main page.

Yeah, "async" was poorly chosen as subject in hindsight.

> I think there are widespread use cases for this: ads and those social icons
> (facebook, tweet etc) are all iframed, and I've seen pages look like
> they're really slow because they're waiting for a Tweet button to load when
> the main page was ready long ago. Performance tools is another case I bring
> up because I've seen some tools say the page took say 2 seconds to load,
> when the main page was really ready after 300ms and then it spent 1.7
> seconds waiting for the Tweet button to finish its thing. It would be nice
> if performance tools could identify the independent iframe and not include
> it in such calculations.

Yes, exactly.


Received on Wednesday, 4 March 2015 15:15:19 UTC