Re: [whatwg] A mask="" advisory flag for <link rel=icon>

Kornel Lesiński writes:

> > - Change <link rel=icon mask> to <link rel=mask-icon>, but keep
> > using the theme-color meta for the color
> Please don't use meta theme-color. 
> Financial Times' theme color is "salmon pink" (#fff1e0), but FT's logo
> must use black letters.

That's another advantage of specifying the mask icon should be a single
colour (with transparency), and using that colour as the basis for
displaying it: The Pink Un can use black letters and have them actually
be black, and Twitter can use a blue bird and have it actually be blue,
with nobody having to add or change any existing theme-color.

It's also much easier to teach ‘if you want a red house, draw a solid
house in the particular share of red you want’ than ‘if you want a red
house, draw it in solid black, then specify the shade of red separately
in multiple files that you don't necessarily have full control over’.


Received on Wednesday, 17 June 2015 10:36:20 UTC